This is a uniquely perfect 'space' for our project. Aside from showing the teaser for our interactive documentary, currently in build, we can also discuss and show what it is like to combine animation, artificial intelligence and sign language in a meaningful way. Weaved into the larger story, the love story.
Our session attempts to be best practice inclusive storytelling and looks at the impact of Deaf-led co-creating along with engaging in hands-on learning, critical reflection and forward facing discussions with the audience. Given it is in March, will make it accessible and inclusive with captioning, interpreters, audio descriptions.
In addition to director/producer Kylie, from SBS Australia - Ravi who is a key collaborator and designer in his own right will be joined by the team who created the AI tool that allows our project to recognise 14 Southern Dialect Signs.
We plan to launch our project in March or April
How will you deal with varying numbers of participants in your session?:Ravi and Kylie have presented before and have many talking points to explore. We are both very open to questions and can adapt to audiences irrespective of size. Texting, messaging and live documents that are text based work well for Ravi and will allow him to engage with audiences in real time. The AI team will be able to show a demo that audiences can hopefully engage with.
Kylie is a screenwriter, interactive director and producer. She commissions and produces interactive content at the Australian multicultural national broadcaster SBS.
Ravi Vasavan is a deaf artist and designer currently working and living and baking and biking and camping and signing and eating and growing and learning and loving in London.