The information we put out is controlled by large corporations who want to continue to gather data about people and have gone as far as providing payment-free browsing of their platforms in the developing world. This should change.
This session will showcase alternative models that give control to the users and gives the option to selective share, monitor, and control access to the use of their information.
I will discuss Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized Digital ID, an open W3C standard, and focus on how Issuers, Relying parties, or Verifiers and Wallets can benefit by giving control back to the user. We hope to inspire Creators, Business leaders, and Developers to start looking into open-source standards like Verifiable credentials and Interlegder and frameworks like Trustbloc and Web Monetization and the work that Coil and others are doing
I will tailor the session to the number of participants.
I spoke at Developer Week Global (Virtual) and my session had a small number of people in the start but it increased later so I encouraged participants to add questions in the chat and I paused from time to time to answer them.
We're hoping that many efforts and discussions will continue after Mozfest. Share any ideas you already have for how to continue the work from your session.:I'm exploring integrating Verifiable Credentials in the AfricaHacks platforms, which I founded, and building an open-source API that makes it super easy for early-stage founders to use verifiable credentials in the apps because every year, from our AfricaHacks Hackathons, we create Startups and we find that for teams without a strong technical co-founder, secure authentication can be a pain. So creating something that not only makes auth easy but gives control to users is something I will do in 2021 for the community.
Uchi is a Blockchain Engineer in the Digital Identity space, founded AfricaHacks and is an On Deck Fellow and a Most Influential People of African Descent Honouree