Wiebke Hutiri
Wiebke is a research scientist working on ethical and trustworthy AI at Sony AI. She holds a PhD (cum laude) from the faculty of Technology, Policy and Management at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Wiebke completed her Masters in Computer Science at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, and worked as a data scientist and engineer in the energy sector. In 2022 Wiebke received a Mozilla Technology Fund Award to support her work on fairness in voice technologies. She is a fellow of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Young Researchers, the Data Science for Social Good Initiative and the Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute.
The Values of Voice: Mapping Community Desires around Voice AI
Jonathan Chaim Reus, Sissel Marie Tonn, Wiebke Hutiri, chae, Josephine Zwaan
Fair and Inclusive AI
Ethical Dilema Cafe