Web publications & reading in digital culture
03-21, 13:45–14:45 (Europe/Amsterdam), Radical Inclusion B
Language: English (mozilla)

What is a web publication? - this is the question we’d like to start with in this discussion structured around the concept of Publication-as-a-Website, developed at the Visual Narrative Laboratory at the Film School in Lodz. We start from the premise that existing solutions, called „e-books”, do not fully implement the possibilities offered by the Internet of today. After all, the point is not to simulate the experience of reading a book, but to find a form of reading experience that would be adequate for the contemporary ways of interacting with cultural content. These, in turn, are increasingly diverse and less text-dependent. Anyway, what would „adequate” mean? Our claim would be that it means to acknowledge and develop user experiences that are sensual and pleasurable, immersive.

The World Wide Web Consortium has prepared a specification for Web Publications, which, however, due to a "lack of practical business applications," has remained at the draft stage: https://w3c.github.io/wpub/. Despite this, for more than two years the Interactive Narrative Studio at the vnLab has been working on a set of tools that would allow the creation of web publications in the full sense of the word. The aim of the discussion is to open up our search, conducted so far in a rather closed circle, to the community of people who design, publish, but also program.

We have prepared a questionnaire for you – we would love to know more about your experiences with digital reading! https://forms.office.com/e/0yM65x302r

We would also like to share our presentation with you here: https://www.figma.com/proto/S2NvpROMm7UVTzlymxsnA1/PubLab?page-id=271%3A106&node-id=271-127&viewport=2539%2C-92%2C0.35&scaling=scale-down

We look forward to discussing with you!

See also: Recording

Artist working mainly with photography, art historian, associate professor at the Film School in Łódź. Founder and co-Director of the Visual Narratives Laboratory, where he also heads the Interactive Narratives Studio, developing, among others, a toolset for creating digital publications for the contemporary web. Recipient of a Fulbright Junior Research Grant at Hohns Hopkins University (2009-2010), and grants, among others, from the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, and the Shpilman Institute of Photography. Interested in developing convincing visual forms of thinking, as an artist he focuses primarily on the aesthetic – that is, sensual – dimension of the epistemological, political, and ethical, creating visual archeologies of institutions and discourses, biographies of people and things.

Graphic designer, illustrator, researcher. Serves as Assistant Professor in the Narrative Drawing Studio, Academy of Fine Arts Kraków, Poland. She is interested in visual writing strategies, especially in presenting research from the visual studies field. Avid gamer. As a VN Lab collaborator she designed remediation of her own book 'Model and Metaphor. Visual Communication in the Humanities'.