Franziska Königer

Franziska Königer is a Project Manager in the Department of Computer Science and Business Information Systems at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. Her work focuses on leading projects that strengthen the faculty's international activities and contribute to the internationalization of the university. Since 2020, she has been in charge of the cooperative mobility project FHWS Praxis International, which serves to develop strategies for the internationalization of business contacts and internships. The project was part of the DAAD funding line HAW.International (Modul A). In 2021, she started planning and coordinating the project Mobility Goes Virtual, a virtual collaboration project focusing on the implementation of a sustainable intercampus blended-learning module to be offered at three universities. The project is funded by the DAAD in the program line IVAC. Moreover, she assists in the elaboration of the application process as well as in the student support of the international Master's program in Artificial Intelligence.


From national to international collaboration: The power of peer-to-peer networks in two IVAC projects
Lisa Gibellino, Franziska Königer

SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences and University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt will provide an insight into how their collaboration at a national level has influenced the conception and development of their virtual international collaboration projects (IVAC). You will learn about positive outcomes and challenges, and will engage in a speed dating activity with the aim of setting the grounds for your own peer-to-peer network.

Virtual Exchange and Blended Mobility Track
Workshop 1 (Turing), BBAW