Felix Hoops

Felix Hoops is a research associate at the chair of Software Engineering for Business Information Systems at Technical University of Munich (TUM) since May 2021. He holds a master's degree in Informatics from TUM and wrote his thesis on "Threat Analysis, Evaluation, and Mitigation for Smart Contracts Endorsed by TLS/SSL Certificates". During his studies, Mr. Hoops spent a semester abroad at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.


DiBiHo in review: Design rationales and proof of concept
Felix Hoops, Katja Assaf, Daniel Köhler, Alexander Mühle, Prof Dr Christoph Meinel

The session will review the research project "Digital Credentials for Higher Education Institutions" (DiBiHo) and present its findings and proof of concept.

Digital Credentials and Trust Networks Track
Stage 1, Leibniz-Saal, BBAW