Joost Kleuters

Joost Kleuters is Director of the Centre for Internationalization and Languages at Rhine-Waal University of applied sciences in Kleve (Germany). Rhine-Waal has participated in an MVE project with 6 partners in 6 countries that is now in its 4th consecutive semester and has resulted in an additional MVE project sponsored through Erasmus KA226 (Strategic Partnerships in Response of the COVID-19 Situation: Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness in the field of Higher Education) called ‘Versatile’, Virtual Education Readiness Semester - Adaptive Toolbox for an International Learning Experience and coordinated by Rhine-Waal as lead partner.


The promise and challenges of international student MVEs (Multilateral Virtual Exchange Programs): A workshop on lessons learned and future directions
Joost Kleuters

Being able to study at several institutions across several borders in a single semester lets students profit from Virtual Exchange to the fullest extent possible. The high level of internationality and intercultural communication this scenario provides however also poses greater challenges to all those involved. This workshop invites participants to work on translating shared experiences into lessons learned and joint recommendations.

Virtual Exchange and Blended Mobility Track
Workshop 1 (Turing), BBAW