Moving Target Digitalisation 2022: Increasing the Impact of Internationalisation in Higher Education

Dorit Bosch

Dr Dorit Bosch is the host of the podcast "Let's State - Inspirations from the State Apparatus", a coach for the transformation of administrations and has been a federal civil servant for 12 years. Her mission is to make public administrations more agile, open and creative. To achieve this, a cultural change is needed in Germany. She is convinced that the modern person needs more flexibility and creativity in their job and in education if they are to face the many challenges of our time. Public administrations have the task of creating the right conditions for this to happen.


Live podcast recording: Digital education and its infrastructure requirements - Breaking or making barriers?
Carlos Delgado Kloos, Dorit Bosch, Aleksandra Zhivkovikj, Navin Vasudev

Dorit Bosch, the host of the podcast on administration digitalisation "Let's State", examines infrastructure requirements for digital education from her panelists' varying perspectives and touches upon topics that connect them all.

Digital Credentials and Trust Networks Track
Stage 1, Leibniz-Saal, BBAW