Lisa Gibellino

Lisa Gibellino is based in the Global Cooperation Institute at SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences since 2019, where she works as an International Programmes Coordinator. The primary focus of this position is managing new and old partnerships for study abroad and exchange programmes with other higher education institutions. Being constantly in contact with partner universities around the globe fostered the development of further collaborative projects, like Virtual Exchange. This built the basis for Digital Exchange: die barrierefreie Auslandserfahrung, the first IVAC Project which Ms. Gibellino developed and led in 2020-21, followed by a second year of funding in 2021-22 for IVAC 2.0: Der Schlüssel zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Employability Skills. Both IVAC projects aimed to further develop students´ intercultural competences in an inclusive and accessible-to-all format, as well as to increase the internationalisation of SRH Berlin through digitalisation.


From national to international collaboration: The power of peer-to-peer networks in two IVAC projects
Lisa Gibellino, Franziska Königer

SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences and University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt will provide an insight into how their collaboration at a national level has influenced the conception and development of their virtual international collaboration projects (IVAC). You will learn about positive outcomes and challenges, and will engage in a speed dating activity with the aim of setting the grounds for your own peer-to-peer network.

Virtual Exchange and Blended Mobility Track
Workshop 1 (Turing), BBAW