
Prof. dr. Airina Volungevičienė has been working among leading researchers, methodology specialists and education policy makers in the area of technology enhanced learning (TEL) development in Europe and Lithuania since 1997. Having established the national network for distance and e-learning in the country, then Lithuanian Distance and e-Learning association (2010), she continued as a leader in research and project work to promote the development of TEL in Lithuania and Europe, introducing many innovations in different education organizations from school, VET, adult learning and higher education sectors. Her main concern at Vytautas Magnus University is to direct Institute activities to implement its mission: to advise University teachers to design distance learning and teaching (DL/T) curriculum, to ensure DL/T quality, to get DL/T curriculum quality assurance at University, to organize online studies successfully, and to ensure DL/T accreditation and quality assurance at the national and international level.


The European Digital Education Hub: A place for knowledge building
Airina, Josep Maria Duart Montoliu

The presentation will introduce how knowledge building activities take place in the European Digital Education Hub. Representatives of HEI, VET, Adult learning organizations and Schools are invited to attend, their leaders and decision makers, staff responsible for digitally enhanced learning and teaching, and anyone interested in developing knowledge together on digital education and EDEH CoP.

European Strategies for Digital Education Track
Stage 2, Einstein-Saal, BBAW