Bernadette Gruber

After studying educational science at the University of Regensburg, with experience in the Balkan states, Bernadette Gruber worked as a lecturer for the Robert Bosch Stiftung in China. In addition to her teaching activities, she organised an international conference on digitalisation in cooperation with the Goethe-Institute and the DAAD in Beijing. Freelance work brought her to Berlin in 2019, where she is finishing a part-time distance learning program at the University of Hagen in eEducation: Education and Media. Since 2020, she has been involved in the student community of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD). In addition she is working for CODE University of Applied Sciences in a research project on digital inclusive education.


Spanning the distance between being international and diverse: Institutions for all?
Channa van der Brug, Tina Basner, Sara de Freitas, Samia Chasi, Bernadette Gruber, Muriel Helbig

What is the task of internationalisation? At this panel discussion, practitioners and a student will illustrate why internationalisation in itself is not necessarily an aim. They will discuss how we might think beyond internationalisation in order to address our shared global challenges in equitable, sustainable, and ethical ways. Of course, the role of digitalisation will be addressed as well.

Virtual Exchange and Blended Mobility Track
Museum für Kommunikation Berlin