Digital internationalization on all levels: Learnings from DAAD's digitalization programs IMKD, IP Digital, and IVAC
12-01, 10:45–11:15 (Europe/Berlin), Stage 2, Einstein-Saal, BBAW

Climate change, the pandemic, providing quality education for everyone – classical student mobility is facing (and partially aggravating) many global challenges. Digitalization has enabled universities to open new paths for internationalization. In the presentation, we will reflect on the learnings of funded projects from our three digitalization programs IMKD, IP Digital, and IVAC to determine the future demands for digital internationalization.

The German Academic Exchange Service has funded more than 2.8 million students, researchers, and artists in Germany and abroad since 1950. Unfortunately, these classical mobility schemes are facing - and partially aggravating - global challenges like climate change, the pandemic, or providing equal opportunities to receive quality education throughout all social layers across the globe. Diversifying international exchange through the development of digital learning and teaching scenarios as well as the digitalization of cooperative processes therefore becomes more and more important for a sustainable future.
With funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, DAAD’s digitalization programs International Mobility and Cooperation Digital (IMKD), International Programmes Digital (IP Digital) and International Virtual Academic Collaboration (IVAC) IMKD, IP Digital, and IVAC have contributed to the digital transformation of Germany’s higher education sector on various levels. 147 projects have been conducted in these three programs and enabled German universities as well as their international partners to digitalize administrative processes, international master study programs, and curricula.
After a short introduction of the three programs, we will reflect on the learnings we acquired from single projects. What challenges did they face? In which areas do universities require more support? Which structures and funding mechanisms could help universities in reaching their internationalization and digitalization objectives? We rely on knowledge and best practices derived from networking and community building activities of our funded projects, which have been collected over the last 18 months. Furthermore, we can share preliminary study results of our comprehensive study on IMKD, IP Digital, and IVAC.

Judith Venherm is a Senior Desk Officer at the Section Digitalisation for Internationalisation, Universities of Applied Sciences. Her focus is to conceptualise and accompany the evaluation of the digital programmes and to build a community of practice among the projects. In addition, she is responsible for the supervision of the programme International Mobility and Cooperation through Digitalisation (IMKD). She has an academic background in international economics.

Ann-Kristin Matthé is the Head of Section Digitalisation for Internationalisation, Universities of Applied Sciences at the DAAD Headquarters in Bonn. Since 2019/20 this section manages the DAAD programmes International Mobility and Cooperation through Digitalisation (IMKD), International Programmes Digital (IP Digital) and IVAC (International Virtual Academic Collaboration). Ukraine digital is the newest addition to the programme portfolio. With a background in public policy and international relations she is convinced of the added value inherent in digitalising the international student journey.