CANCELLED - Creating Virtual Exchange learning scenarios on the premise of including Diverse Learning Needs as a basis: A Design Thinking process workshop
12-01, 12:30–13:30 (Europe/Berlin), Workshop 1 (Turing), BBAW

The workshop focuses on the importance of considering Diverse Learning Needs in Virtual Exchange learning scenarios to ensure equal participation and inclusion of all participants and intends to contribute to the solutions of reducing learning barriers by using the Design Thinking process with the final output in the form of first prototypes.

While conceptualizing digital teaching and learning scenarios, various framework conditions, such as learning objective(s), the target group, and the learning content, must be taken into account. When focusing on the target group, impairments and the resulting Diverse Learning Needs (DLN) (Chilla et al., in prep.) must be considered. The construct DLN is used to address not only impairments and disadvantages but to represent a broad concept of heterogeneity (including socioeconomic background, digital accessibility, physical/cognitive ability, etc.). In international teaching-learning arrangements, for instance, DLN can result from language and cultural differences, different learning styles, or even time zones. Especially in such scenarios, the importance of the possibility of equal participation for all and a versatile presentation of the learning content comes into focus. The Design Thinking (DT) process (Luchs 2015, Waloszek 2012) was chosen with the aim of developing possible solutions to tackle the arising challenges regarding the conceptualization of VE learning scenarios with considering the DLN of learners. Precisely speaking, the participants are invited to develop a VE learning scenario for a heterogeneous group of learners from Europe, Asia, and the US. The participants will work in small groups of up to 4 members. Each group will enter all five stages of the DT process: 1. Empathize, 2. Define. 3. Ideate. 4. Prototype and 5. Test. Each stage will be assisted by a suitable method, e.g. Mind mapping or Storytelling. A combination of digital (e.g. Padlet or Mentimeter) and other paper-and-pencil instruments will be provided to keep the participants engaged. Individual groups will exchange their results between the workshop’s phases which allows them to receive peer feedback and benefit from other participants’ views. The workshop pursues two main learning outcomes: to generate one or more prototype solutions and to raise awareness regarding the proactive consideration of DLN while designing VE learning scenarios or any learning scenarios in general.

Simon Hachenberg is a research assistant at the Europa-Universität Flensburg since April 2022. He works in the “Study as you are” project which aims at investigating and testing various barrier-sensitive digital teaching and learning tools and scenarios. From 2018 to 2022, he worked at the Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Usability and investigated how the learning process could be integrated into the working process. At the same time, he designed and supervised a service office for E-Learning at the NORDAKADEMIE, a private university near Hamburg.

Ekaterina Buchminskaia is a research assistant at the Europa-Universität Flensburg since January 2022. She is also a part of the “Study as you are” (STUDYasU) project team. STUDYasU aims at investigating and testing various barrier-sensitive digital teaching and learning tools and scenarios. In 2021, she completed a MA program in linguistics with a focus on language teaching and acquisition at the University of Bremen. Her MA thesis investigated the challenges and benefits of online English teaching in tertiary education and contributed to the research field of E-Learning and digitalization in higher education.