“Practice, practice, practice”: Collaboration and student engagement in online-courses
12-01, 17:00–17:30 (Europe/Berlin), Stage 2, Einstein-Saal, BBAW

Applying learnt skills as well as motivation and commitment are key to achieving language proficiency. The presentation will examine the Goethe-Institut’s Online Language Learning Courses which focus on collaboration and student engagement by providing a detailed and structured learning environment combined with supportive tutoring.

Since 2015, the Goethe-Institut has been offering online language courses following a step-by-step learning progression according to the European Framework for languages on levels A1-C1. The courses also serve as preparation for the Goethe-Institut´s internationally recognized Language Certificates. Students who aim to apply at German Universities and need proof of their language proficiency are an important target group for these courses.
One of the biggest challenges in online courses is to maintain successful interaction among participants and keep learners motivated and engaged. The Goethe-Institut's online language courses address these challenges in different ways: detailled course design and structure, user-centred approach and content engagement.
The course offers learners a well-structured and comprehensive learning design. A broad variety of exercises and tasks consistently build up on each other and focus on putting language skills to use.
Through various topic-related interaction formats, learners are encouraged to individually shape their learning process, to exchange ideas and engage with other learners. Additional exercises and tasks at different levels of difficulty reinforce the focus on an individualized learning process for all learners in the course.
In order to evaluate learners´ progression, to provide feedback on students´ strengths and weaknesses at any time, a learner dashboard is integrated in the course. Students receive an in-depth analysis of their progress and acquired competencies. Taking into account students´ needs and interests regular assessments provide both instructors and learners with additional feedback on their current learning status.
In the presentation, different methods of learner interaction and engagement will be examined using best-practice examples. Focusing on course design and structure, user-centred approach and content engagement, the presentation will explore successful interaction and exchange among language learners and is followed by a brief discussion.

See also: Presentation Slides

Andrea Pfeil is the Head of Language Department North West Europe at the
Goethe-Institut London. She received her MA degree in adult education, communication studies and German as a foreign language at the University of Education in Freiburg, Germany. Her other academic achievements include an MA in management of education from the University of Education in Ludwigsburg, Germany. She taught for a number of years at the Goethe-Institut Glasgow and attained the position of Language Course Director before taking the position of Multimedia Coordinator, Deputy Head of the Multimedia Department at the Goethe-Institut’s head office in Munich, Germany. Since 2000, Andrea Pfeil has held a number of academic positions as a German teacher beginning with Beijing University in China. She then held DAAD lecturer positions at Manchester, Strathclyde, and Glasgow Universities and a position as Teaching Fellow in German at the School of Modern Languages and Culture at the University of Glasgow. From 2014 to 2021 Andrea Pfeil was Director of Language Department at the Goethe-Institut in New York.