Institutional framework and outcomes of VE+
12-01, 15:30–16:30 (Europe/Berlin), Stage 3 (Lovelace), WiFo

We will discuss the findings of our institutional evaluation of our Virtual Exchange + Program, how to ensure a successful and continued collaboration with our partners and what will be the necessary steps to implement the program at an institutional level. We hope to get into a lively discussion with the audience and create new ideas together.

In today’s economy, almost all companies operate internationally to some extent. Hence, students need to be prepared for this by acquiring the necessary global competencies: intercultural awareness, the ability to communicate in English (and to communicate with people whose first language is not English), proficient use of digital collaboration tools, etc. Ideally, students spend at least one semester studying abroad in order to fully experience a different culture. However, many students, especially those from lower socio-economic or non-academic backgrounds, are not able (or do not feel able) to spend an entire semester away from home

Ruhr West UAS, Harz UAS, Wayne State University & Iowa State University identified a common interest in using virtual exchange to increase international experiences for their students. They recognized similarities that have a direct impact on the internationalization of their institutions:
● The diversity of their student population:
○ High percentage of students from underrepresented groups
● The economic situation of their region:
○ All participating universities are located in regions that are undergoing economic transformation. Supporting this transformation process is part of the participating universities’ mission.

● Low degree of mobility:
○ Many students choose their university because it is close to their home.
○ International experience is typically equated with student mobility, typically through a semester abroad and is only used by a few students who have the (financial) ability, mindset, and (family) support to pursue this opportunity.
○ In the average course or degree program, international experience hardly plays a role.

After the original DAAD-funded program, it is now time to talk about the outreach of this project and its impact on supporting internationalization efforts by improving access to global experiences within the institution and the impact of measures taken by the institutions that foster success and thus achieve a sustainable continuation.

See also: Presentation Slides

Susanne Staude completed her studies in Special Environmental Engineering at Brunel University in the UK. After graduating, she worked in the United Kingdom and Germany as a R&D engineer in the automotive industry before transferring to the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne in 2003. From October 2006 to October 2010, Susanne Staude was a research assistant at the Chair of Thermodynamics at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
In February 2011, she completed her doctorate at the University of Duisburg-Essen on the topic of "Mechanistic Investigations on Premixed Laminar Flames" and has been Professor of Thermodynamics and Fluid Energy Machines at the Institute of Energy Systems and Energy Economics at the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences since March 2011.
In October 2015, she was appointed Vice President for Teaching and Learning, and in 2018, she was appointed state appointee to the position of President at Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences.
In September 2019, the university electoral assembly elected Prof. Dr.-Ing. Susanne Staude as president.

Dr. Ann Marie VanDerZanden is Associate Provost for Academic Programs, a Louis Thompson Distinguished Undergraduate Teacher, and Professor of Horticulture at Iowa State University. Her experience promoting excellence in higher education leadership is long established. She recently completed her term as president of the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture organization. She has presented original scholarly work on Creating an Inclusive Classroom to several regional and national audiences consisting of academic administrators and other higher education professionals. She is a Fellow of the American Society for Horticulture Science, an award-winning teacher, and co-author of three textbooks.
Associate Provost VanDerZanden’s purview includes providing leadership related to accreditation, diversity and inclusion in the classroom, distance education, international programs, and high impact practices. She is part of the enrollment management executive team and helps provide a pathway for students from admission to graduation.