Multicultural, multidisciplinary, human-centred, and operate funding: The SUGAR Network
12-02, 16:15–16:45 (Europe/Berlin), Stage 3 (Lovelace), WiFo

Did you know that there is a global network of universities collaborating to bring together and train students from 5 continents on innovation through design thinking? Did you know that this training happens thanks to the support of all kinds of industries providing real-life challenges and other resources? – How exactly and when SUGAR happens is what you will hear in this talk. See you soon!

In this talk, we present to you the SUGAR recipe and the outcomes of 9 months education journeys that have happened the last 10 years. Students from around the world learn in-depth what human-centred design involves and create their own start-ups or are hired by the funding company. Our challenges range from automotive, NGO’s, pharmaceutical, food, to finance and manufacturing with companies like GIZ, Plan International, Trumpf, BMW, or Takeda. Our students breathe international team collaboration, eat design-thinking and sleep multiculturalism through the travels to develop a feasible, proven final prototype at the end!

See also: Presentation Slides

Currently being the SUGAR Network coordinator, Vanessa R. Ladino is a Colombian living for 5 years in Germany, after having studied in France and worked in the Netherlands. Having the Human-centric approach at her core, Vanessa has applied the design thinking approach in diverse contexts that go across multinationals, academia, and startups; as well as from its pure practice to its coaching and facilitation.
Besides expecting her to put all her knowledge on the table, you can also count on her listening to adapt to meet your needs, and smiling to make the exchange a joyful experience.