EduSEAL: Strategic visioning approach on data-based and human-centric value creation in higher education
12-02, 15:00–15:30 (Europe/Berlin), Stage 3 (Lovelace), WiFo

Data-driven, human-centric and inclusive services will transform work and education-related value creation scalable. Real-time monitoring of educational maturity along the inspiring priorities in the respective life-phase is made possible with AI. As a patchwork of heterogeneous study experiences from different curricular-scientific inputs, transfer experiences or media-didactic interactions, a unique individual educational path will emerge.

The learner is guided by his own potential. AI supports by continuously evaluating learning progress and providing contextual educational recommendations. The quality of these sources is evaluated and secured. The whole thing is controlled by academic mentors who "score" with their conceptual polymath competence and a transparent reputation.
The goal is flexible academic studies with maximum functional individualization and adaptability. It offers valid, real-time advice and dynamic relevance to the labour market. In such an educational model, several values, and several services merge. On the one hand, it is an individual educational guidance that matures with you, knows your potential better than you do, and enables you to pursue lifelong learning, and personal growth on your priorities. On the other hand, you get motivation from benevolent human mentors of high academic stature who are not under pressure to perform.
This results in universal, dynamic CV that can be perfectly visualized as required, offering your potential employers or personal stakeholders a dynamic reference basis for a person.
It is true that AI-controlled education tends to become a systemic service that merges with the education rights of every individual in the interests of all those involved. However, it is not managed sociocratically as in today's educational institutions, emerging to a smart educational enabling infrastructure.
While analogue needs were satisfied in the past, in the future intrinsic longings will be emancipated and served by universal services. The added value is created through flexibility, individualization, and orientation - I call this the "FIO added value". In terms of practical viability, it means an instant and scalable real-time life-long intelligent service customization infrastructure along the forfeiting potential of living developing personality. The formula for success is more FIO added value with as minimal personal dependency as possible. I call my vision of a universal integrated service between education and personnel management "Edu-Seal".

See also: Presentation Slides

Dr. phil. Leon Tsvasman M.A. PhD is an experienced academic lecturer, supervisor and author, working as education consulter for several public and private Universities in Germany and USA. His actual research interests are Complexity Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence, Psychology of Information, Ethics of Leadership and Innovation.His fields of Education and Experience (15+ years academic lecturing/advising/writing) were mainly focused on: Communication, Media and Information (M.A., Dr.phil./Ph.D), Second-Order Cybernetics (Dr. Phil./Ph.D), Journalism and Publicity (BA, mostly German) as well as Leadership & Management, Strategic & Creative Thinking, Intercultural Issues of Globalization (Lecturing since 2002) Social Enabling, Conceptual Arts (volunteering and curatorial projects since 2009) as well as English, German and slavic linguistics.