Bildet Netze!

How can we defend digital freedom rights? How do we put technological change at the service of society? What nets do we need to build in order to move the net forward together?

We want to discuss these questions - 20 years after was founded - at a one-day conference.

The birthday coincides with another anniversary: 40 years ago, the first version of the hacker ethic was created. It describes principles that are still valid today - including for our work. The focus is on free access to information, mistrusting authorities and changing the world for the better with the help of computers.

Today, these principles are under pressure and some of them appear to have been forgotten: A handful of tech companies dominate the market. Artificial intelligence is turning the digital world into a black box. Numerous states are eroding fundamental rights, while right-wing extremists are grasping for political power. It seems as if we have entered a defensive battle in which utopia is falling by the wayside.

Together, we want to debate what a digital society worth living in and based on solidarity looks like - in lectures, workshops and discussions. We want to find ideas on how we can achieve this - on a large and small scale. Above all, however, we want to create a place for people to meet and network. For digital civil society and all others who stand up for fundamental rights and freedoms. Because there are many of us.

We are looking for the following submissions:

  • Talks (streamed and recorded, 40 minutes each, including 10 minutes Q&A)
  • Workshops (not recorded, please indicate how much time you need)
  • Networking formats and other (please indicate how much time you need and how many people the format is suitable for)

We look forward to your ideas!

This Call for Papers closed on 2024-06-16 23:55 (Europe/Berlin).