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Envisioning a world without borders and how to get there with tech from below
09-13, 16:40–17:40 (Europe/Berlin), Verpackungshalle
Language: English

These days, the EU border regimes are at the same time increasingly digitalized and repressive. Border "security" and surveillance experience a revival fuelled by technological development and are extended to digital spheres. Name a technology and then think of how it is selectively used to push or pull people away from where they actually want to be. These restrictive border regimes need to be stopped. Instead, together with you, we want to envision a digitalized borderless world worth living in and figure out how to get there collectively with tech from below. A world where technologies are developed and deployed for and with the people - not against them. In the format of a world café, we want to put our heads together and do a step in the direction of solidarity through multiple technological means.

I build UAVs to save lifes at sea.

Isabel Matthias is doing a PhD in the field of Feminist Science and Technology Studies and an activist in the fields of feminism, technology and more.