Cybersecurity Strategist & Industry Security Architect at Palo Alto Networks
Dharminder, has extensive expertise in (indutrial) IoT, manufacturing and energy security – including utilities, Oil & Gas, connected cars, airlines and airports. He is a member of ENISA´s (The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security) expert group for Industry 4.0/IoT and member oft he World Economic Forum Oil and Gas initiative. As the subject matter, he has technical expertise and direct exposure to these topics, as a leader in Palo Alto Networks. He is based in Amsterdam and works closely with customers and partners globally for undertstanding their pain points and needs. With over 20 years of IT/OT experience he is bridgingthe gap betwenn IT/OT and the business needs. Dharminder also speaks extensively on ICS/SCADA security across Europe and beyond. Previous joining Palo Alto Networks Dharminder was leading IT-Operations and implemented four software-defined data centres, which provided him first-hand experience with the fact that security automation is moving beyond prevention and detection technologies: cyberattacks are inevitable we must learn how to recognize the often-subtle signs of an attack as well as respond effectively and swiftly to limit the damage that security breaches could do tot he businesses.
- I(I)oT Security Protect Every Device on Your Network - Use Case 2 - PaloAlto Networks
- I(I)oT Security Protect Every Device on Your Network - Use Case 1 - PaloAlto Networks
- Pause
He is Technical Sales Engineer EMEA, Nozomi Networks.
- Kurze Vorstellung Nozomi Networks und Baseline Erstellung
- Alarmierung von Anomalien durch Nozomi Networks Guardian und Tuning der Lösung
- Netzwerk-Frühstück
Bayer AG
Head of Manufacturing Infrastructure & Information Security
- Anwenderinterview mit Tobias Unglaube - Bayer AG
- Anwenderinterview mit Tobias Unglaube - Bayer AG
- Begrüßung - 5 Fragen an Tobias Unglaube und Use Case 1