OpenEmbedded Workshop 2020

Approaches in Optimizing BSP for Your Embedded Project
2020-02-03 , Hedy Lamarr

Embedded Linux devices are very fragmented in their design and implementation. We will discuss and give an overview of the four components of embedded Linux systems: toolchain, bootloader, kernel, root filesystem and then how they are combined into a basic embedded Linux system.

Typically, as a developer you will be given some or all of these components as a package when you decide on your development board but they may not contain the optimum choices for you because the requirements for your particular embedded application may vastly differ.

We will then present and discuss some best approaches on how one can structure for components so that BSPs follow a commonly understood layout, discuss how to best approach customizing a recipe for a BSP particular to your embedded application.


Mirza Krak is an Embedded Linux Solutions Architect with seven years of experience in the field and is currently with the open source project. Mirza was a Mender community member for a couple of years which led to him joining the Mender project full-time in 2018. He is involved in various other open source projects and is a Linux kernel contributor.

Mirza's expertise is within Board Support Package development which ranges from hardware bringup, bootloaders, Linux kernel and build systems (Yocto/OE-core). Mirza has spoken at various conferences including Embedded Linux Conference (US & EU), NDC Techtown, and other technology conferences.

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