Open Education Global 2022

Christine Jacqmot

Christine Jacqmot; PhD in Applied Sciences from the Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain and lecturer at UCLouvain (chargé de cours invité).
Her interests are related to the quality of teaching and student learning as well as to pedagogical innovation, including technologies to support teaching and learning.
Since 2015, she has been leading institutional projects at UCLouvain, among which the deployment of Digital University of UCLouvain, (Open Education and Open Sicence). She is also in charge of strengthening the international aspect of the missions of the Louvain Learning Lab (LLL) of the UCLouvain, notably within strategic institutional partnerships.
Christine Jacqmot provides training for higher education teachers wishing to practice active pedagogy and group tutoring; she is the author of publications on the themes of tutoring, active pedagogy, evaluation and quality (


Développement d’OER au travers d’un Open Learning Lab
Christine Jacqmot, Yves Deville
French Language Track
Salle 200
Être acteur de l’Open Education : atelier
Christine Jacqmot, Yves Deville
French Language Track
Salle I