Open Education Global 2022

Open Education Global 2022

How to implement OER collaboration in practice: challenges, hurdles and successes before, during and after implementation
2022-05-24 , Salle 200


Collaborating on educational content is exciting and it is amazing to see OER being embraced more and more. But how does this collaboration work in practice? As Grasple is centered around open content we have extensive experience in facilitating OER collaboration both within organisations and between them.
We’ve noticed some big and interesting challenges while collaborating in OER. Organizing content comprehensively is one of them. Copyright and receiving approval for sharing content is a large barrier for most teachers that want to share. Transferring material between platforms and tools is often difficult and cumbersome. It is hard to keep track of the quality of openly published content. etc.
We would like to share, discuss and reflect on approaches taken currently to overcome these challenges in practice such as the use of group repositories and organizing content centrally. As well as learn from major collaborations that we participated in such as the one between Delft University of Technology and the University of Twente in the design of the latter’s mathline education.
Some challenges remain challenging problematic in practice so we want to delve deeper into these unsolved challenges, share vision/plans on version control, an open format, finding the right content in big databases (e.g.and the possibility of search functions), and discuss/design the future of practical OER collaboration with the audience.

At the end of the session participants have an understanding of how they can enhance their educational experience for their students in various levels of open and collaboration.
We aim to not only leave the participants inspired and motivated to collaborate more on educational resources but also with knowledge of proven and practical strategies, working methods and ideas that they can implement directly at their own institutions without requiring a cultural revolution.

See also: OER next steps combine project results (3.9 MB)

Elisabeth joined Grasple because of its social mission, combined with a strong commercial funding. I work for Grasple because data and numeric developments within our daily lives are increasing. More and more decisions are made based on data and data insights. Therefore the importance of understanding data and data insights is a key capability for all students just as the ability to read and write.
Elisabeth worked for; e.g. General Electric, Accenture, Funda,, two fast growing Dutch Edtech scale ups: Snappet and Studytube. Elisabeth has ~25 years of experience in ‘prospect and customer experience management’ and implementing strategic changes. After finishing her degree at the Technical University of Delft in industrial design engineering. Elisabeth worked with great enthusiasm and energy; optimizing processes, sales and marketing organizations and translating business strategies into sales and marketing approaches. All focusing on; customer satisfaction, motivating employees, growth and effectiveness of the business. Elisabeth is very passionate about learning and sharing. At home this is challenged daily by two great teens, and balancing dinners, sport, family and friends.