Open Education Global 2022

Open Education Global 2022

Keynote 3 (Carine Bernault): Why and how are we opening up Nantes Université?
2022-05-25 , Auditorium 450


Nantes University is an excellent, sustainable and open university. Openness is in its DNA, its statutes affirm: “The development of knowledge commons is a key element of social progress. Anxious to contribute to this essential objective, Nantes University is resolutely committed to open science, open educational resources and open innovation in order to make knowledge accessible to all”. Why make Nantes University an open university? How to share knowledge more widely? This talk will be an opportunity to discuss how a university can make a concrete commitment in promoting the sharing of knowledge.

Nantes Université est une université excellente, durable et ouverte. L’ouverture est dans son ADN, ses statuts affirment : « Le développement de biens communs du savoir est un élément clé du progrès social. Soucieuse d’apporter sa contribution à cet objectif essentiel, Nantes Université s’engage résolument en faveur de la science ouverte, des ressources éducatives libres et de l’innovation ouverte afin de rendre les connaissances accessibles à tous ». Pourquoi faire de Nantes Université une université ouverte ? Comment partager plus largement les connaissances ? Cette intervention sera l’occasion d’échanger sur la manière dont une université peut s’engager concrètement pour favoriser le partage des connaissances.

Lawyer, specialist in intellectual property law, she obtained her doctorate in 2000 and was appointed lecturer, then professor of law (in 2013) at the University of Nantes. In 2008 she became an expert in intellectual property for the STDICE (Sous-Directeur des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’Education). Following this, in 2012, she was appointed 1st Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science and created the Intellectual Property diploma in distance learning, of which she took over the management. She then became a member of the regulatory control commission of the CNC (Centre National du cinéma et de l’image animée – National Center for Cinema).
Between 2014 and 2017, she directed the Institute for Research in Private Law (IRDP), a research laboratory at the university. In 2017, she became vice-president in charge of university reform, then first vice-president in 2019, before being elected President in July 2020. Since January 1, 2022, she is the first President of Nantes University.