Our ptest story
2023-02-06 , Agora

“testing is hard and complex” they say!?

This talk shows what we do with Yocto ptests to check the different software recipes in meta-aws and the struggles we had.

See also: Slides (304.3 KB)

Thomas has been working professionally and privately with Linux since more than 15 years. He currently works as an Embedded Linux Engineer for AWS, spending time as maintainer for the meta-aws layer and working on other Linux things.
Started creating cross compile toolchains with Windows and then became a Yocto fan finally. Furthermore, he has a lot of experience in product development, building software and hardware IP based VoIP PAGA intercom products with embedded Linux. Now doing IoT for a company that truly believe in open source and help customers to integrate AWS software for embedded Linux.
In his spare time, beside family, he plays music in a “Oktoberfest” band or fly paramotor.