
Originally from Croatia, now living in Amsterdam.
I've been in the embedded Linux space for more than 10 year in different roles (userspace developer, QA, release manager). Currently working for (makers of Mender) as a customer engineer which involves working with boot loaders for integrations of Mender in different boards. I have a soft spot for any technical documentation that works first, explains later.


The many ways to modify a bootloader

This talk explores various methods for patching a bootloader, focusing on the patching process rather than the specific changes made.
We will compare different approaches (devshell, devtool, manually navigating build directories) and how the combine with external tools for patching (git, quilt) and dealing with Kconfig configuration (menuconfig, config fragments, defconf).
The aim is to leave attendees with a sense of clarity that there are indeed a multitude of options to achieve the same goal.

Lily Rose