meta-virtualization: What's new: Use cases for developers and users
2025-02-03 , Lily Rose

There is sometimes a disconnect between the deployment of containers
and virtualization in the ecosystem versus how the development of the
base technology has considered. Just because something is possible,
doesn't mean it is a best practice, or even something that should be
done. Similarly something that seems like an easy starting point may
not be the right solution for the longer term.

Over the past year there have been significant changes to
meta-virtualization that are intended to close the gap between
development and creators using the layer. These changes also attempt
to encode guidance and best practices into the recipes (and layer)
while continuing to provide base technologies for any number of
container/virtualization solutions.

This talk will be both a status update and also provide a closer look
at the motivations behind the changes and use casees of
meta-virtualization. It will provide some concrete examples of how
containers and virtualization deployment has been enhanced and finish
with the plans to complete some long standing features.

Bruce has been working professionally with Linux since 2000, and a user since
1995. He currently works as a Principal Systems Engineer for AMD, spending
time as maintainer for the Yocto project reference kernel, meta-virtualization
and meta-cloud-services layers. Although most of Bruce's effort is spent in the
kernel and virtualization, his experience ranges from build systems and shell
scripting, to userspace and graphics toolkits. Bruce has spoken at ELC in the
past, at internal conferences/showcases and technology presentations to smaller