Tune E-commerce Search For Success with Chorus & OpenSearch
2024-05-07 , Asgabat

Chorus, the open source reference platform for e-commerce search, shows you how to build measurable and tunable applications that delight users and drive conversions. Now available for OpenSearch, this platform lets you measure search quality and fix problematic queries on production in minutes.

E-commerce search managers are constantly tuning search, finding under-performing or problem queries and balancing changing business and user needs. Chorus, an entirely open source reference platform for e-commerce (now compatible with OpenSearch), allows you to test queries, gather human judgements and derive overall search result quality metrics. It also allows individual queries to be modified to boost up or down products from certain categories, help match what the user types with your product catalogue or redirect to information pages. Chorus is a composable reference implementation- you can take each of the technologies demonstrated and use them with your own OpenSearch setup as you require.

We'll show how Chorus came to be and demonstrate using our example online shop, Chorus Electronics, how to fix common problems that affect user loyalty and sales volume. We'll also discuss how Chorus can empower search managers to fix problem queries without re-indexing or modifying search configurations - even on a live site. We'll finish with examples of how vector search can be used in Chorus to improve results and add image search.

With nearly 25 years in the business of open source search, Charlie Hull helps companies across the world build powerful and accurate search engines as a Managing Consultant at OpenSource Connections, the search relevance people. He is co-author of the book 'Searching the Enterprise', a regular conference keynote speaker, prolific blogger and writer, and hosts and organises the Haystack conference series.