
Cas van Cooten

Cas van Cooten is an offensive security enthusiast and Red Teamer at ABN AMRO Bank in The Netherlands. He is a champion for "offensive development" - building solid tools to support every aspect of offensive operations. Particularly, he likes evading defenses by developing offensive security tooling and malware that utilize modern features of languages like Rust, Golang or Nim. He loves sharing knowledge and responsibly open-sourcing tooling via his Twitter and Github to ultimately promote the collaboration between Red and Blue.


Offensive Development in Modern Languages
Cas van Cooten

As an (offensive) security professional, building tools to support your operations is no longer optional. Not only do you need custom malware to stay undetected on your target, the large scope of modern environments requires many different variants of automation to stay ahead. This talk will discuss what having an "Offensive Development" capability means, how modern languages like Rust or Go can help (or work against you), and how to take your code beyond PoC with some good development practice.

Main track
Main track