
Mischa van Geelen

I am a security researcher, speaker and entrepreneur. Do you rely upon your own IT network, applications or website(s) and are you unsure about its technical security status? As a specialist in information security, I will help you to regain control over your IT environment and infrastructure, investigate what is going on and solve it! 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week.

In my spare time, I report security vulnerabilities to organizations in an effort to make the digital landscape safer. I also take care of workshops, presentations and lectures on the dangers of the Internet for more and better awareness within organizations.

I am frequently asked by the media to explain the dangers of the digital landscape. In 2017 I was featured in the New Revu, explaining the new dangers for organizations, such as Ransomware, Internet-of-Things and other digital threats.

I am currently focusing on these subjects:
- Implementing CIS, performing CIS Benchmarks
- Implementing and endorsing open security standards (OWASP WSTG, OWASP MSTG, PTES, Norea DigiD, CVSSv3.1)
- Penetration testing
- Incident Response (IR)
- Root-cause analysis & Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
- Threat Hunting
- Threat Intelligence
- Automated Intelligence Gathering
- Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)


Be lazy like a cat, making pentesting fun again
Brenno de Winter, Mischa van Geelen

Effective pentesting is labor-intensive, especially when it comes to validation and reporting. Standardization can help, but it may also inadvertently increase the workload. In this workshop, you will receive practical tools and strategies to reduce the workload by making standardization a part of the solution.

Join us and discover how to streamline your pentesting processes, enhance efficiency, and achieve superior results without the added stress.

Workshop track 2
Workshop track 2