
Making penetration testing auditable
09-05, 11:00–11:30 (Europe/Amsterdam), Main track

Penetration testing can vary widely in execution, sometimes providing clear insights, and other times leaving much to be desired. For clients, these tests are essential for ensuring product security and often hold significant audit value. The COVID-19 crisis revealed a powerful opportunity: enhancing client assurance through more transparent and reliable pentests, a necessity increasingly driven by evolving legislation.

This realization sparked the creation of a groundbreaking collaboration. Clients, software developers, pentesters, auditors, and information security researchers now join forces in a unique alliance. Our mission? To empower every knowledgeable professional to contribute, ensuring that every crucial aspect is thoroughly examined.

Welcome to the Methodology for Information Security Research with Audit Value – a comprehensive, participatory approach that elevates the standards of penetration testing. Embrace this innovative methodology and transform how you achieve security and compliance!

Unveiling a Revolutionary Approach to Penetration Testing: The Methodology for Information Security Research with Audit Value

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, penetration testing has become a cornerstone for ensuring product security and compliance. However, the methods of conducting these tests can vary significantly, sometimes offering clear insights and other times leaving much to be desired. Clients rely on these tests not only for assurance but also for their crucial audit value. The recent COVID-19 crisis highlighted a vital need: enhancing client assurance through more transparent and reliable penetration tests, a necessity increasingly driven by stringent legislation.

A Unique Collaboration for Enhanced Security

This realization led to the formation of a groundbreaking collaboration, bringing together clients, software developers, pentesters, auditors, and information security researchers. Our innovative approach is designed to empower every knowledgeable professional to contribute, ensuring that every critical component is thoroughly examined. Welcome to the Methodology for Information Security Research with Audit Value.

Focusing on Open Standards

Our methodology is rooted in open standards, promoting transparency, interoperability, and innovation. By adhering to these standards, we ensure that our approach is not only robust but also adaptable to various environments and requirements. Open standards facilitate a common language and framework, making it easier for all stakeholders to collaborate and for solutions to integrate seamlessly.

Addressing Requirements and Consequences

The Methodology for Information Security Research with Audit Value goes beyond merely meeting requirements. It provides a clear understanding of the consequences if certain aspects are missing, ensuring that clients are fully informed of potential risks and impacts. This comprehensive approach includes:

  • Procurement Requirements: Ensuring that all inkoopeisen (procurement requirements) are met with precision, helping clients make informed decisions when acquiring new products or services.
  • Legal Aspects: Addressing all juridische aspecten (legal aspects) to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, thereby minimizing legal risks and liabilities.

Providing Comprehensive Compliance Tools

Our methodology equips you with everything needed to achieve and maintain compliance. From detailed guidelines and best practices to thorough checklists and audit trails, we provide all the tools necessary to ensure that nothing is overlooked. This includes:

  • Detailed Guidelines: Step-by-step instructions and best practices to guide you through every stage of the penetration testing process.
  • Thorough Checklists: Comprehensive checklists to ensure all critical aspects are covered, leaving no room for oversight.
  • Audit Trails: Robust audit trails that document every action and decision, providing transparency and accountability throughout the testing process.

Transforming Security and Compliance

Embrace this innovative methodology and transform the way you achieve security and compliance. The Methodology for Information Security Research with Audit Value represents a comprehensive, participatory approach that elevates the standards of penetration testing. By focusing on open standards, addressing requirements and their consequences, and providing all necessary compliance tools, we ensure that your security measures are not only effective but also thoroughly documented and auditable.

Join us in pioneering a new era of cybersecurity. Discover the future of penetration testing with the Methodology for Information Security Research with Audit Value, and ensure that your security practices are second to none.

Brenno de Winter has been involved in security since his early years. For 15 years he was a renowned Dutch investigative journalist. Born on December 6, 1971, in Ede, Netherlands, de Winter has made significant contributions to the field of information security and privacy. He is best known for his work in uncovering vulnerabilities in public and private sector IT systems, often bringing to light the importance of cybersecurity.

De Winter started his career as a programmer, but had several roles. In 2001 he became a journalist and quickly gained a reputation for his thorough investigative techniques and commitment to transparency and public accountability. His notable works include exposing security flaws in the Dutch public transport chip card (OV-chipkaart) and various governmental IT systems, which prompted widespread public discourse and policy changes.

In addition to his journalism, de Winter is a sought-after speaker and educator on topics related to cybersecurity, privacy, and digital rights. He has authored several articles and books, sharing his extensive knowledge and advocating for stronger security measures and better data protection practices.

Throughout his career, Brenno de Winter has received numerous accolades for his contributions to the field, cementing his status as a leading figure in cybersecurity and investigative journalism in the Netherlands and beyond.

He is the 'catfather' of the OpenKAT-project and currently leads the effort of standardizing penetration testing.

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