Alessandra Bagnato
Dr. Alessandra Bagnato is a research scientist and the Recherche Responsible in Softeam Software (Docaposte Group). She holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from TELECOM SudParis and Université Evry Val d’Essonne, France and a MSc in Computer Science from the University of Genoa, Italy. At Softeam, she leads the Softeam Software Modelio team research activities around innovative model-driven engineering methods in Modelio workbench in the area of Cyber-Physical Systems, Cloud and Big Data (like H2020 MORPHEMIC, ECSEL AIDO@Rt, H2020 Databio, H2020 CPSwarm, H2020 QRapids, H2020 CROSSMINER), GDPR and Privacy (H2020 PoSeID-on, ANR UPCARE) and on measuring software engineering (ITEA 3 MEASURE).
The talk will describe the MORPHEMIC open source components and the MORPHEMIC implementation integrated as a pre-processor for the existing MELODIC platform extending its deployment and adaptation capabilities beyond the multicloud and cross-cloud to the edge, 5G, and fog. The talk will then detail the open source strategy for the exploitation of the project results.