
Alessandra Bagnato

Dr. Alessandra Bagnato is a research scientist and the Recherche Responsible in Softeam Software (Docaposte Group). She holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from TELECOM SudParis and Université Evry Val d’Essonne, France and a MSc in Computer Science from the University of Genoa, Italy. At Softeam, she leads the Softeam Software Modelio team research activities around innovative model-driven engineering methods in Modelio workbench in the area of Cyber-Physical Systems, Cloud and Big Data (like H2020 MORPHEMIC, ECSEL AIDO@Rt, H2020 Databio, H2020 CPSwarm, H2020 QRapids, H2020 CROSSMINER), GDPR and Privacy (H2020 PoSeID-on, ANR UPCARE) and on measuring software engineering (ITEA 3 MEASURE).


The H2020 MORPHEMIC Project Open Source Components
Alessandra Bagnato, Paweł Skrzypek

The talk will describe the MORPHEMIC open source components and the MORPHEMIC implementation integrated as a pre-processor for the existing MELODIC platform extending its deployment and adaptation capabilities beyond the multicloud and cross-cloud to the edge, 5G, and fog. The talk will then detail the open source strategy for the exploitation of the project results.

Research and invited projects
OW2con main virtual room