
[Quick App Initiative Panel] What will mobile look like in the future and how best to prepare
2022-06-08 , OW2con main virtual room

The OW2 Quick App initiative round table

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Ilker Aydin is a serial entrepreneur and technology enthusiast that was born and raised in 1982 in Cologne, Germany. During his studies at the CBS International Business School Ilker founded the first gaming website in Turkey in 2004 (Kraloyun.com) and 2006 in Germany (Spielaffe.de). After a successful exit in 2014 he sold his company Kaisergames GmbH to Ströer and founded Famobi in 2014. Famobi is a financially independent game development studio that specialises in HTML5 game development. When Ilker is not deep diving into new technologies he is a world traveller, life coach, sports addict and passionate designer.

Sylvain Le Bon is a telecommunication engineer and has been an entrepreneur for more than 10 years. He is the co-founder of Startin'blox, and an expert in interoperability of data on the web.