Hey, nice to meet you!

We're glad that you want to contribute to our event with your submission. Let's get started, this won't take long.

This is what will be shown in the schedule.
This content will be shown publicly.

A short description of your talk. If your talk is accepted, the abstract will be published on the conference website. This is the place to tell people:

  • What you'll be talking about.
  • What they'll learn from your talk
  • What background experience they should have to get the most out of your talk.
This content will be shown publicly.

A bulleted list of topics covered in your talk. Please include a short description of each topic covered as well as a time estimate. The outline is just for reviewers so please include spoilers! Your talk should be no longer than 25 minutes total.

If you have a co-speaker, please add their email address here, and we will invite them to create an account. If you have more than one co-speaker, you can add more speakers after finishing the submission process.