Python Conference APAC 2024

Multi-Modal Data Fusion in Heterogeneous Data for Artificial Intelligence: A New Perspective on Data Processing (An Agri Data Case Study)
2024-10-26 , CLASS #1
Language: English

This talk will explore the development and implementation of multi-modal data fusion processing using Python, with a focus on an agricultural data case study. The session will introduce a framework and techniques for effectively processing and utilizing diverse data types to enhance decision-making in agriculture. Attendees will learn about the application of transfer learning to improve data sharing and interoperability, considering factors such as suitability, affordability, openness, and acceptability.

The objective of this session is to present a comprehensive approach to implementing multi-modal data fusion processing using Python, illustrated through an agricultural data case study. Key topics will include:
Introduction to Multi-Modal Data Fusion: An overview of how combining different data types (e.g., sensor data, satellite imagery, and tabular data) can enhance decision-making in agriculture and other fields.
Framework for Data Processing: Detailed discussion on the architecture and techniques for processing diverse data types to make them usable for machine learning models. This includes data cleaning, normalization, and feature extraction.
Transfer Learning for Data Sharing: Explanation of how transfer learning can be applied to improve the sharing and interoperability of agricultural data, focusing on their suitability, affordability, openness, and acceptability. This enables leveraging pre-trained models on heterogeneous datasets.
Real-World Applications: Practical examples of how the proposed framework has been applied to real agricultural datasets to improve crop yield prediction and disease detection. Case studies demonstrating the benefits for farmers and stakeholders.
Challenges and Solutions: Addressing potential challenges in implementing the framework, such as data quality issues, computational resources, and model interpretability. Proposed solutions and best practices will be discussed.
The talk will be structured to maximize audience engagement and understanding:
Opening (3 min): Introduce the topic, motivation, and outline of the presentation.
Background (5 min): Provide context on multi-modal data fusion and its relevance to agriculture.
Proposed Framework (10 min): Dive into the technical details of the data processing framework and transfer learning approach, supported by diagrams and code snippets.
Case Study (5 min): Present a real-world agricultural case study showcasing the practical application and benefits of the proposed techniques.
Challenges & Solutions (5 min): Discuss the main challenges encountered and the solutions implemented, providing valuable insights for practitioners.
Conclusion (2 min): Summarize key takeaways and encourage attendees to explore multi-modal data fusion in their own projects.
By the end of the session, participants will gain a solid understanding of multi-modal data fusion processing using Python and how transfer learning can facilitate effective data sharing in various sectors, with a special focus on agriculture. They will leave with practical insights and inspiration to apply these techniques in their own work.

Doctoral Researcher at University of Palermo (A Doctoral Network funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Entrust Project)

Doctoral Researcher at the University of Amikom Yogyakarta. Co Founder Frogs Indonesia an agriculture drone manucfature.