Python Conference APAC 2024

Sky Full of Stars
2024-10-26 , CLASS #6
Language: English

How many stars do you know so far? Maybe you are familiar with Canopus, Capela, Vega from Sherina's Adventure Film. There are many stars outside our solar system. Or maybe you are familiar with the zodiac signs? Zodiac signs in astronomy are a collection of several stars called constellations. There is a lot of knowledge about the stars we see in the sky. By using python, we can see information about the stars in the sky using better visualization. You can also use this application to view star coordinates for observations.

In real life, we often encounter challenges in visualizing data that is easy to understand, especially for geospatial data that has more than two dimensions. This talk is about how we can map stars using python. This map will contain everything about stars such as star coordinates, star names, constellations, and perspective mapping using cartographic techniques. Cartography is basically a visualization technique, but more specifically uses geospatial data. Cartography is used to create visualizations that are easy for humans to understand in representing geospatial data, in this case using star data. Although this project is a personal project that I made because I like stars and visualization and not represents the business processes of astronomers anywhere. But, star visualization can make it easier for astronomers to observe stars.

Technical Architect at NTTDATA