2025-03-01 –, F-AVR
Japanese is reportedly one of the most difficult languages for English speakers to learn.
(FSI language difficulty: https://www.fsi-language-courses.org/blog/fsi-language-difficulty/)
There are many reasons for this, including the fact that there are three types of characters: hiragana, katakana, and kanji, and that words are not separated by spaces.
In this talk, I will first introduce what makes Japanese different from many European languages.
Then I will show how Python and natural language processing libraries can be used to support Japanese language learning.
- Motivation and background (2 min)
- Goal of this talk
- Self introduction (1 min)
- Explan difficult points in Japanese(5 min)
- 3 types of characters: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji
- No Spaces between Words
- Multiple Readings of Kanji
- Reading changes depending on the combination of Kanji characters
- The same sequence of kanji can be used in different contexts
- <ruby> HTML Tag (1 min)
- ruby-tag represents small annotations
- Hiragana, Katakana and Romaji(3 min)
- Romanization of Japanese (Romaji)
- Convert hiragana and katakana to Romaji using jaconv
- No Spaces between Words(5 min)
- Can you split "すもももももももものうち"?
- すもも / も / もも / も / もも / の / うち
- Japanese Morphological Analyzer library
- Word segmentation using SudachiPy
- Multiple Readings of Kanji(5 min)
- Kanji is difficult to read
- Two types of readings, Japanese-style reading(Kun yomi) and Chinese-style reading(On yomi)
- Multiple Readings of Kanji idioms
- Special readings of Kanji idioms
- Get Reading of Kanji
- Use SudachiPy to get the reading of a Kanji
- Can read but Cannnot Pronouce (3 min)
- Readings and Pronounciations are slightly different in Japanese
- Using Amazon Polly to perform text to speech
- Demo (3 min)
- Run the sample application made by Streamlit
- Summary (1 min)
Category:Personal and Professional Development
Takanori is a Chairperson of PyCon JP Association.
Worked as a PyCon JP organizer since PyCon mini JP in January 2011 and has been the Co-Chair of PyCon JP 2024.
He is also a director of BeProud Inc., and his title is "Python Climber".
Currently he teaches Python to beginners as a lecturer at Python Boot Camp all over Japan.
In addition, he published several Python books.
He plays trumpet, climbs boulder, loves Lego, ferrets and craft beer.