PyCon APAC 2023

Carl John Viñas

Hello I am Carl, a professional with experience as a researcher, data engineer & analyst mostly working on problems and applications of geospatial and career-related text data for more than 3 years now.

I also recently graduated with my undergraduate degree in Computer Science and doing work on applications of Segment Anything on geospatial data under the Fatima Fellowship Program.

I also contribute to open source initiatives I feel interesting such as increasing language representation through the Aya Initiative and contributing to the Python user base through Python related Events such as WFH Pythonista and Pycon!


Making School Less Boring with Python!
Carl John Viñas

In today's fast-paced academic environment, students often are overwhelmed and disengaged because of huge workloads and lengthy-uninspiring lectures. Join me as I share my journey as a student in overcoming these challenges through fun projects/scripts and participating in the PythonPH Community. By sharing my experiences, I aim to help students make school life easier, more exciting, and FUN.

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