PyCon APAC 2023

Haque Ishfaq

Haque Ishfaq is a PhD student at McGill University and Mila - Quebec AI Institute. His research interests span machine learning, statistical learning theory, reinforcement learning and bandits. Before moving to Montreal, he enjoyed several years of sunny weather at Stanford University where he completed his bachelors degree in mathematical and computational science as a McCaw Scholar and masters degree in statistics.


Using Python for Disease Variant Analysis
Haque Ishfaq, Atia Binte Amin

Variant, a term once only known to the researchers of biological sciences, is now familiar to the general people. Rising of the new variants of SARS-Cov2 virus with new mutations has become a concern during this COVID-19 pandemic. How do the researchers identify these variants from the analysis of genomics data? How could Python be used in this analysis? This talk will address these questions.

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