PyCon APAC 2023

Python ate my homework!
2023/10/27 , track 5

Is your relationship with maths... complicated?

Do you hate doing simple, repetitive, error prone calculations that you know your computer could easily do?

Have you ever been disappointed by Wolfram Alpha's inability to calculate your problems, with working out?

Then book a session and I’ll show you how to use Python, SymPy, & Jupyter to resolve your love problems, all with working out!

If you hate doing simple, repetitive, error prone calculations that you know a computer could trivially do, then this is the talk for you!

You'll learn some of the basics of the SymPy library, and then observe how to solve a sample university level maths problem. Then, we'll put these two together and use SymPy to solve this math problem for us, and in a way that also prints working out!

You'll also see how Jupyter can be used to calculate and submit parts of your assignment, and finally how you can help contribute to the computational maths community.

Evan is a Software Engineer whose passions lie in improving the developer experience by reducing human error, enhancing code health, and optimising workflows.

When he's not thinking about security, informatics, or giving talks about his many projects, you'll find him nomming on subway cookies, or chasing bunny rabbits.