PyConDE & PyData Berlin 2024

Lisa Reiber

Lisa works as a data engineer at the in-house data lab of the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

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Public Money, Public Experiment - open source processes in the public administration
Lisa Reiber

Imagine a data lab in a federal ministry wants to publish python applications - how long could it possibly take? While open code is widely acknowledged as beneficial, the lack of thriving open code platforms from public institutions gets you wondering: a day, a week, months, or even years?

When publishing code, a private person, a company or a public institution all face unique circumstances and take different considerations into account. While individuals or companies frequently publish their code and share their experiences, less is known about these processes in public institutions. In our talk we will cover how a data lab, located in a federal ministry would go about this topic. We will share insights into the publishing process, touching upon existing pioneers and the alignment of open source with administrative principles, as well as the hurdles, surprises, and regulatory considerations of our journey.

Since we are a newly established unit with the word lab in our name, our talk delves into a unique real-world experiment: How much progress can our data lab make in publishing code within the three months leading up to PyCon DE & PyData Berlin 2024?

General: Others