PyConDE & PyData Berlin 2024

Robert Meyer

Robert Meyer is a Data Scientist and Neuroscience researcher by training. He completed his PhD at TU Berlin and simulated parts of the cat brain.

After working for the German unicorn Flixbus for two and half years building an automated bus ticket pricing pipeline, he joined the Entrepreneur First incubator. There he met his co-founder Leopold Spenner and together they started alcemy, a Machine Learning startup to accelerate the decarbonization of the cement and concrete supply chain




Climate Crisis in Numbers
Robert Meyer

Climate change is one of the biggest and most daunting challenges that our and future generations are going to face. In order to mitigate climate change and its consequences, first one needs to understand the problem and get a rough idea about the magnitude of human made global warming. As a proper numbers nerd I understand problems best when looking at science, statistics, and measurements. So here’s my little guide to better grasp what climate change is all about through data.

Lessons learned from deploying Machine Learning in an old-fashioned heavy industry
Robert Meyer

About 5 years ago my co-founder and I launched alcemy, a Machine Learning startup to help decarbonize the cement and concrete supply chain. I experienced first hand moving from a simple proof of concept, a ML model inside a Jupyter notebook, to a full-fledged pipeline running 24/7 and steering massive amounts of cement production in real plants. I can tell you the road was long and winding. I want to share some of the hard lessons we learned along the way with you. If you are an aspiring ML or Software Engineer, Data Scientist, Entrepreneur, or you are just wondering how Machine Learning applied in the wild looks like this talk is for you. No prior knowledge is required except some familiarity with basic concepts and terminology of Machine Learning.

PyData: Machine Learning & Deep Learning & Stats