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C4P PyConES24

Being able to express our ideas clearly and concisely is very valuable, not only for conferences but also for any other area where oral communication is the basis for collaboration or activity. That's why we want to invite you to participate in PyConES24 and share with the Spanish-speaking Python community that interesting project or idea you've been working on or have in mind, or the experience you've had lately.

This year, we will be holding the conference in person in Vigo from October 4th to 6th.**

We are pleased to announce that the call for proposals is open until:

Deadline: Sunday, June 9, 2024

We are looking for people from all fields of expertise and levels so that with your help we can create a conference for the whole community.


If this is completely new to you or you want some help or feedback, we want to offer you our support with a mentoring process so that you can prepare your proposal and clarify all your doubts. If this is your case, write to

Types of proposals

For this year's version, we are looking for:

  • Talks of 30 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A
  • Workshops of up to 90 minutes

If your workshop lasts more or less time, don't hesitate to let the organization know so that we can take it into account when configuring the program. This will give us the opportunity to create a varied and appropriate program for the 3-day conference.

We highly value proposals:

  • with a social focus
  • jumps between different professional fields
  • or simply about your experience with Python and its impact on your life.


The theme is open as long as it related with Python. Here are some ideas:

  • Web development
  • Analysis, Engineering and Data Science
  • DevOps / System Administration / Automation Scripts
  • Education
  • Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Desktop Applications
  • Internet of Things
  • Security and networks
  • Mobile, multimedia, embedded applications
  • Community, society and culture
  • and many more!

Additional considerations:

  • It is possible to submit more than one proposal per person.
  • Talks with several people as speakers are accepted.
  • We will notify you whether your proposal has been accepted or not.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to us at

You can enter proposals until 2024-09-30 19:09 (Europe/Madrid), 1 week, 4 days from now.