Murilo Cunha

Murilo Cunha is an AI tech lead at Dataroots with a background in Mechanical Engineering and an advanced master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence from KU Leuven, whose main goal is to make AI both useful and accessible. To reach this goal, Murilo takes a pragmatic approach which led him to move more into the direction of data engineering. In line with his passion of enabling AI to make an impact, Murilo developed an expertise in MLOps, meaning that he advocates for automation and monitoring at all steps of ML system construction, including integration and deployment. With his experience in getting ROI on AI initiatives and as an open source supporter, he decided to fill in the existing gap in the tooling that supports data scientists by creating databooks, an open source package to make the life of data scientists easier.


Effective data science teams with Jupyter and databooks
Murilo Cunha

Jupyter notebooks have been around us since 2015. Since then, it has been used in blogs, books and fields such as data science.
Nonetheless, some of the features that make notebooks great also discourage teams from using them. In this talk I'll explore these issues, some solutions, my personal experience and share a python tool I've built to make them more amicable for software teams.

Tips of development with Python