Pycon Sweden 2024

- CFP is now closed! But you can still submit lightning talks! -

Refer to below for more information!

PyCon Sweden 2024 Call for Proposal (CFP)

PyCon Sweden is back for the 2024 edition on 14-15 November! The conference is now welcoming proposals for talks and workshops on anything Python-related! In particular, we would love talks that are original and of interest to the community. We are interested in talks on the following topics (non-exhaustive list):

  • Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning
    Example topics of interest: Python frameworks for Data Analytics, AI, and Machine Learning - Deploying ML models - Computer Vision - Natural Language Processing - Development of data pipelines - Data pre-/post processing - Scalable ML - Time series analysis - Domain-specific case studies - Visuzliation

  • Scientific and High-Performance Computing
    Example topics of interest: - Computational Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics - Large scale simulation with Python software - Computational Finance - Accelerated NumPY - Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation of Python code - Accelerating Python code by offloading in C/C++, Cython, Pybind11, etc. - Performance profiling and optimization - Accelerator offloading of Python software: GPU, FPGA - Optimization techniques

  • Web development, applications, and database technologies
    Example topics of interest: - Web application frameworks - Database technologies - Authentication systems - Information Retrieval, search engines - Websockets and interactive communications - Web-based services (e.g. chatbots)

  • Education and professional development
    Example topics of interest: - Python in the classroom - Python as a first language - Programming for non-computer science students - Developing algorithms and data structures in Python - Career development - Fun with Python

  • Software Engineering, DevOps, Testing, and Security
    Example topics of interest: - Testing frameworks and continuous integrations for Python code - Microservice, virtualization, and containerization for Python services - Python syntax-semantics - Latest feature in the Python language - Tools - Best practices, refactoring, and case studies - Infrastructure - Design patterns in Python - Game development - IoT

If you feel that your proposal does not fit into the above categories, do not worry - we will accept proposals for anything Python-related. However, keep in mind that during the selection process, we will try to keep a good balance on the talks based on the topics above. You can also update the proposal that you submitted, before the deadline. Submit a proposal today!

Regular talks

Each regular talk will be given a 30 minutes timeslot (25 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A). Details of the logistics will be announced at a later stage. The conference schedule will follow Stockholm time (Central Europe Time) and we require the presentations to be given live.


Workshops aim to provide hands-on and practical experiences to the participants on technical subjects. Each workshop will be given a maximum of 90 minutes timeslot. If you need more than that, please state that in the notes of the CPF form and we will take it into account on the best effort basis.

Lightning talks

Lightning talks are short talks that last for 5 minutes max. To submit a lightning talk, make sure to write your name and topic of the talk on the whiteboard when you are in the venue!

Review process

The review is single-blinded and all the submissions will go through a rigorous review process by the program committee to ensure a high-quality program. We evaluate the submissions in terms of relevance with Python, originality, relevance and interest to the community, timeliness, and completeness. In particular, we value highly talks that are original and have not been given in other conferences before..

Program committee

  • Aris Nivorlis
  • Nikita Churikov
  • Helio Loureiro
  • Simron Padhi
  • Soumya Kanti Chakraborty
  • Alexander Hultnér

Important Dates

Deadline of submission: 2024-08 - 31 23:59 Stockholm Time
Tentative Notification: 2024-09 -20 23:59 Stockholm Time

Expectation from speakers

We have the following expectations for all speakers.

Code of Conduct

All speakers will be expected to have read and to adhere to the Code of Conduct of the conference. PyCon Sweden aims to be a welcoming event, where people meet in a friendly environment. Accordingly, we expect that all participants are expected to show respect and courtesy to other participants throughout the conference.

Delivering a high-quality talk

By accepting to present a talk or workshop at PyCon Sweden 2024, you agree to be recorded. All talks are expected to be given live, we will not fascilitate remote talks, so we ask you to confirm your in-person participation.

I want to know about something else...

If you have questions about the CFP, please don't hesitate to contact us via email at or social media! See our website for more details!