Pycon Sweden 2024

Call for Proposal (CFP) for PyCon Sweden 2024

To make a submission, click on submit proposal.

  • Fill in a title
  • Fill in the abstract of your talk or workshop. The abstract should be a quick read so that the attendees know what the talk is about.
  • Fill in the description. Here, you can describe the talk or workshop in more detail. For example, the importance of the topic, level of difficulty or prerequisite that the audience needs, who will be interested or benefit from your talk, the disposition, etc. The attendees can (optinally) read it to get a better understanding of the context.
  • Optionally, fill in the notes section for anything else that you think is important for the reviewer to make a decision
  • Fill in a Biography.
  • Select the availability, please select as much as possible. If your talk is selected, we will try our best to accommodate the time slots, but on a best effort basis. Note that the event timezone is Europe/Stockholm.

To facilitate our review, please submit as much information as possible, including the relevance to Python, why it is of interest to the community, how is the talk original, and if possible, the disposition of the talk. After the proposal is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email and you can edit it until the deadline. If you do not get a confirmation, please contact us.

Select the category of your proposal

Select whether you want to propose a talk or a workshop.

Regular talks

Each regular talk will be given a 30 minutes timeslot (25 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A). The conference will take place in Clarion Skanstull Hotel in Stockholm. The conference schedule will follow Stockholm time (Central Europe Time) and we require the presentations to be given live.


Workshops aim to provide hands-on and practical experiences to the participants on technical subjects. Each workshop will be given a maximum of 90 minutes timeslot. If you need more than that, please state that in the notes of the CPF form and we will take it into account on the best effort basis. If your workshop requires the participants to install software, let us know in the notes and we will share it with the participants.

Review process

The review is single-blinded and all the submissions will go through a rigorous review process by the program committee to ensure a high-quality program. We evaluate the submissions in terms of relevance with Python, originality, relevance and interest to the community, timeliness, and completeness. In particular, we value highly talks that are original and have not been given in other conferences before. We may also reclassify a selected talk to other tracks if the reviewers feel appropriate.

Expectation from speakers

We have the following expectations for all speakers.

Code of Conduct

All speakers will be expected to have read and to adhere to the Code of Conduct of the conference. PyCon Sweden aims to be a welcoming event, where people meet in a friendly environment. Accordingly, we expect that all participants are expected to show respect and courtesy to other participants throughout the conference.

Delivering a high-quality talk

Since all sessions will be given in-person we expect speakers to be present live. We provide a free ticket to all accepted talks but unfortunately we do not provide travel grants. By accepting to present a talk or workshop at PyCon Sweden 2024, you agree to be recorded.