Cristián Maureira-Fredes
Cristián is a PSF fellow and recently elected to the PSF Board of directors.
He is currently working at The Qt Company as Sr. R&D Manager, in charge of the Qt Core (Berlin) and Qt for Python teams, from which he has been part of the development team for more than 6 years.
In his spare time, he is a serial conference and community organizer in many countries, and participates in different initiatives like the translation of the Python documentation into Spanish, PyPI moderation, and others related to Open Source.
Depending on who you ask, the meaning of Python will vary significantly. For some people, it could refer to the standard language implementation, for others it might mean a new challenge, your local meetup, your current work, and even the social aspects from the many communities.
There has been always a categorization around talks that have the more technical content, and the social aspects, which might led some people to ignore certain aspects of the whole ecosystem, and it will be the main topic of this presentation.
During this talk you will start learning technical aspects of the standard Python implementation, explore how Python has been getting everywhere due to the extensions in other languages, but also exploring
how the different conferences, communities and other social entities of Python has been changing.
After the talk, you will have the necessary resources in order to join the many aspects of the Python community, and start contributing.