Pycon Sweden 2024

Tech as a Gateway: Unlocking Opportunities for Women and Immigrants in the Digital Age
2024-11-14 , Auditorium

In an increasingly digital world, the technology sector holds tremendous potential for innovation, growth, and societal progress. Yet, two underrepresented groups—women and immigrants—face significant barriers in accessing and thriving within the tech industry.
This keynote explores how the tech sector can empower women and immigrants, highlighting strategies for breaking barriers, fostering inclusion, and unlocking opportunities for innovation, growth, and diversity in the digital age.

We will examine the current challenges women face in tech, including gender bias, the "leaky pipeline," and pay disparities, while also highlighting the transformative power of diverse teams. Furthermore, we’ll discuss how tech can serve as a gateway for immigrants, offering access to new careers and entrepreneurship opportunities, despite obstacles like visa restrictions and cultural barriers.

The keynote will share actionable strategies to support women and immigrants in tech, from inclusive hiring practices and mentorship programs to education and government policies. Through real-life success stories and case studies, we will illustrate how empowering these groups is not just a moral imperative, but also a key driver of innovation and economic growth.

By fostering a more inclusive tech industry, we can unlock the full potential of diverse voices, ensuring a future where everyone—regardless of gender or background—can thrive and contribute to the global digital economy.

Saaya is the CEO and cofounder of Emigreat, a reg-tech startup streamlining global mobility and reducing uncertainty and workload for companies. Prior to moving to Sweden in 2019, she built and exited one of the most prestigious tourism operators in Honduras.
Winner of Di Digital's Female Founder of the Year and Nordic Female Founder of the Year in 2023, she advocates for changes to the Swedish immigration system and creates content to educate immigrants on their visa options and rights.
When not discussing immigration politics and policies, she can be caught engaging in discussions on minority representation, female entrepreneurship, sustainable living, and marine conservation.