PyCon UK 2019

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Aaron Balan
  • **Young Coders** Geometries & Python Turtle
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Alex Chan
  • Sans I/O programming patterns – what, why, and how
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Alp Inan
  • Flask-restplus workshop for beginners
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Ann Barr

PyCon UK organising volunteer and organiser of past two PyCon UK Django Girls workshops.

  • Django Girls Workshop
  • DjangoGirls Setup Helpdesk
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Avni Balan
  • **Young Coders** Anagrams & Python
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batuhan bayraktar

High school student, part of project Pomelo

  • Using Pomelo to Enhance Algorithmic Thinking
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Beat Buesser

I'm a Research Staff Member at IBM Research and my current work focuses on adversarial machine learning and the security of artificial intelligence.

  • Adversarial Robustness Toolbox: How to attack and defend your machine learning models
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Becky Smith
  • Board Games and Manual Technology Evening
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Ben Nuttall

Ben Nuttall is Programme Technical Manager at the Raspberry Pi Foundation in Cambridge, UK. Ben is a developer and maker who loves all things open source, and he leads the GPIO Zero and piwheels projects.

  • **Young Coders** Show and Tell
  • Astro Pi: Python on the International Space Station
  • **Young Coders** Astro Pi Mission Zero
  • **Young Coders** Hackathon & presentation prep
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Can Aydin

Student in Hisar School

  • Using Pomelo to Enhance Algorithmic Thinking
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Can Ersoz

I am a High School student going to 11th grade in Hisar High School, Istanbul Turkey. I have been enthusiastically developing projects in our school's computer science team and attending robotics competitions, hackathons and conferences all around the world.

  • Benefits of competition based libraries for beginners in Python
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Carlos Pereira Atencio

Software Engineer @ Micro:bit Educational Foundation

  • An Introduction to Hardware Drivers in (Micro)Python
  • Python on Hardware Community Showcase (Open Session)
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Charlotte Feather

Charlotte is a back end software developer, focusing on Scala and previously at Deloitte Digital. Outside of development she has spent the last year leading development projects in a Product Manager role and thus is very interested in the importance of real world user applications of technologies.

  • Step Into the AI Era: Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop
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Cheuk Ting Ho

Cheuk constantly contributes to the community by giving AI and deep learning workshops, organize sprints for open source projects, volunteering at Datakind for charities. At the same time contribute to open source projects including Pandas, Keras, Scikit-learn and Dateutil. Cheuk has also been a guest speaker at University of Oxford and Queen Mary University of London, and various conferences including PyData in Amsterdam and Berlin, PyCon in Israel, UK and Germany, EuroPython and PyLondinium. Believing in gender equality, Cheuk is currently a co-organizer of AI club for Gender Minorities to support Tech Diversity and Inclusion.

  • I am telling you 3 things about Chatbot (so you don't have to learn it the hard way)
  • Step Into the AI Era: Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop
  • Do we have a diversity problem in Python community?
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Chloe Parkes

I'm a Senior Software Engineer (Remote), focusing mainly on Python. I've been in this field for 7 years.

I'm one of the PyCon UK organisers.

  • Depression in the Workplace; Let's talk.
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Chris Withers

I've been writing Python for around 20 years now, giving talks every so often and maintaining stuff for the community where I can. I have a big interest in automated testing of software and building simple, clean APIs between servers and clients.

  • FastAPI from the ground up
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Colin Bell

I am a trainer and software consultant specialising in automated testing.
I have presented training on many different subjects, in many places around the world, to lots of different people at lots of different companies. I have worked for a couple of big companies, and now I am a freelancer.

  • Automating web applications with Selenium WebDriver
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Damian Swistowski

My first program was in C64 BASIC, then Assembler, Amos, Pascal, C, C++, Java, Perl - but when I found Python I just stuck with it.

My first job was as a Python/Django developer in 2005.

Sometimes I write hobby projects in javascript for fun - but never the production code.

Likes deleting lines, don't like introducing bugs.

  • Typed attrs dataclasses with cattrs converters for JSON REST microservices.
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Daniele Procida

I am a serial conference organiser.

  • Introduction
  • The world's cheapest, simplest plotter
  • Introduction
  • Introduction
  • Sprints
  • Introduction
  • Introduction
  • But I never wanted to do DevOps! A practical, hands-on introduction to containerised web deployment for Django developers who would rather just create applications
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Daniele Procida
  • Conference Dinner
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Daniel Hepper

Daniel Hepper is an independent software developer, consultant, and trainer with a focus on web development with Python and Django. He has a degree in Computer Science from the University of Karlsruhe and has been writing software professionally for over 15 years. His clients range from self-funded startups to international corporations. He enjoys sharing his experiences and helping developers level up their software development skills.

  • Is Django too Complicated?
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Daniel Pope
  • Code Dojo
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Daniel Rios

I'm a community-taught developer who always tries to give back. I coach at the OpenTechSchool Python-Co learning and have coached at four DjangoGirls in Berlin. I also encourage and help beginners in their own programming journeys.

I've been programming in Python since 2012, with Django since 2014. I've been working professionally as a Web Developer at Jonas und der Wolf in Berlin since 2016.

  • Optimizing Input: Building your own customized keyboard
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Dani Papamaximou

Dani combines her mathematical competency and programming tools to streamline repetitive engineering tasks and minimising iterations in order to produce efficient and safe designs/solutions. Data -if interpreted correctly- can provide answers leading to feasible solutions while the outliers can highlight potential risks and errors in engineering projects. Dani's goal is to bridge the programming and engineering disciplines and develop tools to improve decision making at early design stages.

  • Automated report writing using data from a relational database
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David Chong

I am a medical student at the University of Cambridge and a self-taught programmer who started programming since 12 years old because I wanted to make computer games. Over the years I have picked up most main stream programming languages including C++, Java, R, Python, full stack web development etc. When I went to University I started to work on computational projects in genomics, cancer, neuroscience, and biomaker events. I have an interest in computer science in general not just machine learning, and am always trying to find biology or clinically related projects to work on. I also enjoy trying out new food and recipes, playing osrs, and forcing myself to exercise (not sure if I enjoy this).

  • Python in Medicine: A toolkit for exploring neonatal ventilator data
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David R. MacIver

David is a long time PyCon UK speaker. Past talks include one about Hypothesis, a neat testing library that you should all be using, successfully trolling the PyCon UK organizers into using linear programming for scheduling, and a keynote introducing 800ish Python programmers to anarchist social theories. He's not very good at taking talks, or biographies, seriously, but somehow he keeps getting allowed back and people keep attending his talks anyway.

  • You are in a maze of twisty little passages
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David Seddon

I like clean application architecture and code that humans can understand. I usually use Python and Django.

I'm the creator of a number of open source Python libraries including Import Linter, which allows you to impose constraints on your project's imports.

I work at Octopus Energy in London, and I like to blog.

  • How to write readable tests
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David Sim

Based in Cambridge, Pythonista for about a decade. Professionally interested in natural language and data mining, unprofessionally interested in experimental music, beer and mountains. Head of R&D at Transversal.

  • One weird trick for improving your communication
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David Spademan

Even though he is not a coder David has become a regular visitor to PyCon UK supporting his son, Luke. David has found the community to be very welcoming and presented a Lightning Talk last year on the idea of coding in prisons.

David is a prison chaplain and is passionate about providing prisoners with hope and purpose. This can include inspiring and helping them to code and in providing employment opportunities on release.

He is keen to get a Code Club going in his own prison, HMP Onley - this ambition is still to be realised.

David is at PyCon UK from Friday to Monday and happy to connect with anyone during that time with any questions or just to say hello.

  • Just Visiting
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Devang Mehta
  • Implementing a simple API using Django REST Framework
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Dmitry Karpov

Software engineer in server team, Wargaming. I’m working with Python since 2013. I had been working in two compiler projects, optimizations techniques is my area of interests. Graduate of MIPT

  • Massively Multiplayer Online Games with Python
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Dolica Akello-Egwel
  • NeXus Constructor: Visualising the Configurations of Neutron Experiments with Qt for Python
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Dom Weldon

Dom Weldon is a Principal Software Engineer and head of production at decisionLab, a London-based mathematical modelling consultancy with expertise in machine learning, simulation, optimization and visualization. Dom's team specialize in taking models from data scientists and turning them into production ready tools. Current clients include the Royal Navy, Siemens, GSK and various UK public bodies.

Dom came to decisionLab from his PhD studies in Computational Geography at King's College London, his initial degree was in Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge, and he holds a master's in the historical and cultural geography of the Cold War United States. Outside of work, Dom is interested in languages and travelling, and holds a voluntary statutory appointment on a board monitoring the welfare and dignity of prisoners in a challenging North London jail.

  • Dash: Interactive Data Visualization Web Apps with no Javascript
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Dr. Tania Allard

Tania is a developer advocate at Microsoft. She is passionate about reproducible and robust scientific computing and data science.
She is also the organiser of PyLadies NorthWest and a PSF fellow.

  • Reproducible Science: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly and The Untold
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Dustin Ingram

Dustin is a Developer Advocate at Google, focused on supporting the Python community on Google Cloud. He's also a member of the Python Packaging Authority, maintainer of PyPI, and organizer for the PyTexas conference.

  • Static Typing in Python
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Éléonore Mayola

I’m a data scientist and developer with a background in Biomedical research.

I currently freelance and work with a team of data journalists (Journalism++) in Stockholm, Sweden.
I’m a co-organiser at PyLadies Stockholm and a co-founder at EMMS Tech as well as a former organiser of PyLadies London.

  • A tour of data viz in Python
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Emanuil Tolev

Emanuil is a Community Engineer with Elastic, the company behind the open source Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch, APM, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash). He's based in London. He used to be a freelance web developer + ops lead and ran a small open science web dev consultancy with partners for several years. Interested in mentorship, inclusion, small businesses, archery and always curious about how the world works in detail.

  • Awesome live API docs for under-resourced teams
  • Intro to integrating search into your Django app
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Emma Delescolle

Long-time pythonista, Django fan, co-maintainer and co-author of DRF-Schema-Adapter. Recently interested by Python running on different hardware.

I am from Belgium and have been involved in open-source at different levels for a bit more than a decade now.

One of the things I enjoy the most is sharing knowledge with others. And this is why I enjoy writing tutorials as well as giving talks and workshops.

  • Writing micro-services in Python... Sure! But which framework?
  • Trans*Code
  • Writing micro-services in Python... Sure! But which framework?
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Frank Kelly

Frank is a data scientist, recovering engineer and Python user working on smart city related projects including most recently, road network condition modelling and eco-friendly car journey planning. He manages a team of data scientists based in Amsterdam whilst working remotely from Bristol where he also helps run the local PyData meet up.

  • Machine Learning on the Edge
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Gail Ollis

I have been presenting at conferences since 2007. It has also become part of my day job, as a lecturer in programming and cyberpsychology at Bournemouth University. But that’s my accidental second career. I was a commercial software developer for two decades and became so obsessed with the human aspects of the job that I took a psychology degree to investigate further. In 2019 I’ve finally completed my PhD in psychology of software development and I’m planning to apply my special interdisciplinary outlook to cyber security research. I can’t see myself ever becoming a full-time researcher, though. Working with students can sometimes be frustrating and I have never worked longer hours, but it’s the most fulfilling work I have ever done.

  • Let's make a talk
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Gil Goncalves

Gil is the backend lead at Unmade, he loves Python and people

  • So you want to be a manager
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Gisela Rossi

Gisela Rossi got her Bs. and Ms. in Computer Science with focus on research. She is now a software engineer that has been working with Python for 3 years and believes it is a beautiful and uncluttered language. Gisela loves order and will MariKondo your desk and code if you let her. She is passionate about improving diversity and inclusion in the industry and that is why she became co-leader of PyLadies London. Other interests include oil painting, going to the gym and napping with her kitten.

  • Dictionaries, behind the scenes
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Gönül Aycı

I am Gönül, a full-time Ph.D. student in the Computer Engineering Department at Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey. My current research interest is Privacy in Online Social Networks.

My undergraduate degree was in Mathematics. I learned to use Python almost three years ago and now, I totally use Python programming language.

I am one of the co-organizer and mentor of Django Girls Istanbul. I am also a member of PyIstanbul for Python users in Istanbul and inzva (the sanctuary of Turkish Hackerspace community).

  • Active Learning with Bayesian Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems
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Gusztav Belteki

I am a consultant neonatologist (doctor looking after sick newborn infants) in Rosie Hospital, Cambridge. I am interested in mechanical ventilation of sick babies. I am also a Python enthusiast and I am using Python and its data science packages ( numpy, pandas, matplotlib, scipy, scikit-learn) to analyse the high-throughput data downloaded from neonatal ventilators (breathing machines). I am studying how ventilators perform and how babies interact with the ventilators

  • Python in Medicine: A toolkit for exploring neonatal ventilator data
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Hannah Hazi

I've had the chance to be involved in all sorts of interesting projects across my career, from cutting edge medical technologies to dispensing soup to printing with chocolate, detergent and cheese! I currently work at Stratasys, helping develop software for our industrial 3D printers. I love to meet people getting started with Python - it's my first love and always the language I return to. If you want to get me talking, tell me about something you'd like to 3D print.

  • Don't Cross The Streams: An Introduction to Virtual Environments
  • Telling Stories With Python and Ren'Py
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Irit Katriel

Technical lead for the Quartz dependency graph at Bank of America. PhD in computer science, focused on graph algorithms.

  • Technical Debt Remediation in a Massive Python Codebase
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Isobel Weinberg

Data Scientist in industry and former motor neuroscientist

  • Plug & train: flexible customisation and extension of python's deep learning frameworks
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Jack Harper

Software developer for the ISIS department of Science and Technology Facilities Council

  • NeXus Constructor: Visualising the Configurations of Neutron Experiments with Qt for Python
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Jacob Unna

Jacob is a software engineer in Deloitte's AI and Analytics practice, helping financial services clients deliver more value to their customers and streamline their back office systems. He relishes the challenge of working with different people and technologies, and thinks himself incredibly lucky to be alive at a time when the pace of innovation is so relentless.

He lives in Manchester with his wife and son, and in his free time enjoys walking in the Peak District.

  • Philosophy of Refactoring
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Jan Freyberg

I have a background in neuroscience, studying vision in autism. I now work as a research engineer in machine learning. My work focuses on applied AI for human rights monitoring and accountability. I am based in the AI for Good team at Element AI. I also research active learning, and work on interactive computing in the jupyter environment.

  • Plug & train: flexible customisation and extension of python's deep learning frameworks
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Joe Hall

Joe is a Lead Data Scientist at JPMorgan and is currently working on applications of Natural Language Processing for media monitoring and content recommendation for various teams within the firm. Before that he worked on a big data framework timeseries anomaly detection. He has been at JPMorgan for over 5 years working in pure Python development roles, big data, machine learning and data science.

His background is an undergraduate in Avionics (Glasgow) and a PhD in Reinforcement Learning and Control Engineering (Cambridge) in which he wrote a lot of MATLAB code, and hand calculated a lot of gradients - he is now very thankful for Python and autograd!

  • Automated Timeseries Analysis with Gaussian Processes
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Joel Collins

I am a post-doctoral research associate in the Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials at the University of Bath. Following my PhD in nano-photonics, I moved to the Bath Open Instrumentation Group, leading development of the OpenFlexure Microscope software. Now specialising in scientific instrumentation control, I'm working with collaborators in Tanzania and Cambridge to bring our open-source microscope platform to a wide global community of scientific researchers, medical experts, and hobbyists.

  • Robotic Microscopy for Everyone
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Kashish Mittal is a Security Researcher and Engineer. He currently is the Head of Security at MileIQ, a Microsoft startup. He has worked for companies such as Elevate Security, Duo Security, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank etc. By choice, he is an ethical hacker and an addicted CTF player. Prior to joining Duo, he did Security Research at Cylab, Pittsburgh. He has a BS and a MS from Carnegie Mellon University with a focus on Security. He is passionate about delivering Security awareness and training for employees, college students and high schoolers etc. He has been invited to presented his research and work at various national and International Security conferences.

  • Charming the Snake - Writing Secure Python Code
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Konark Modi

Konark works as a Tech lead with Cliqz GmbH – developing privacy-focused search engine and browser technologies under the Cliqz and Ghostery brands. Helping Cliqz GmbH in making privacy a mainstream topic, Konark works on projects ranging across Privacy by design, Anonymous Data collection like Human Web, Human-web proxy network, Anti-Tracking etc.

Prior to Cliqz, Konark was working with one of the largest e-commerce website in India( in data platform and security team, solving interesting challenges related to data warehousing, business intelligence and data security.

As an active member of the community, he loves contributing and getting involved at various fronts in whatever way he can - be it through organizing conferences for like-minded people or just disrupting social causes through technology.

His recent personal projects, in an endeavor to find and help organizations fix vulnerabilities have spanned across web browsers, health trackers, Government services, travel mobile apps to name a few.

Konark has been a speaker and presenter at numerous international conferences like Privacy Week, MRMCD, Apache Big Data, Berlin BuzzWords to name a few.

Twitter: @konarkmodi

  • What do travel, food & health websites have in common? Auditing websites & apps for privacy leaks
  • Stranger things in Twitterverse
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Laura Sach
  • **Young Coders** Make stuff with junk
  • **Young Coders** Presentation prep
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Leonardo Giordani

Born in 1977, I started coding in April 1987 on a Sinclair ZX Spectrum. I then moved to MS-DOS PCs and in 1996 I started using Linux and became interested in operating system internals. I love architectures, algorithms, mathematics and cryptography.

I currently work as an infrastructure engineer and Python developer.

From 2013 I blog some technical thoughts at

In 2018 I published the free book “Clean Architectures in Python”

  • Clean Architectures in Python
  • TDD in Python with pytest
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Luke Spademan

Luke Spademan is currently studying A Level Maths, Further Maths, Computer Science, and Physics. When he isn't doing school work he enjoys writing python programs and playing with opensource applications.

  • **Young Coders** Cracking Codes with Python
  • Writing Beautiful Python. An overview of PEP 8
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Marco Bonzanini

Marco is a Data Science Consultant and Trainer based in London, co-organiser of the PyData London meetup and chairperson of the PyData London conference 2018-19.

  • What are they talking about? Mining topics in documents with topic modelling and Python
  • Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
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Mario Orlandi

I work as a consultant in different fields, applying open source and web technologies to automation.
In the past, I made extensive use of C/C++ and other languages, but lately abandoned them in favour of Python based frameworks, with particular interest in Django.
I got a master’s degree in Physics in 1987 at University of Modena, Italy

  • Real-time data acquisition, from Arduino to the web, using PubSub with Redis, Django and other friends
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Mark Smith

My name is Mark Smith, although I'm known as Judy2k online. I'm a Developer Advocate for Nexmo. I love writing stupid Python code in an attempt to really understand how Python works. When I'm not doing this, you'll find me crocheting, building custom keyboards, or designing models for 3D printing.

  • Lightning talks
  • Lightning talks
  • Lightning talks
  • More Than You Ever Wanted To Know About Python Functions
  • Lightning talks
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Markus Holtermann

Markus Holtermann works as a back-end and infrastructure engineer at He has been a Django core contributor since early 2015. He is a member of the Django security and operations team as well as an organizer of DjangoCon conferences. Markus has been a project lead at the German community support platform where he discovered Python and Django in 2010.

  • Logging Rethought 2: The Actions of Frank Taylor Jr.
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Marlene Mhangami

Marlene is the current Chair of Pycon Africa, a Director for the Python Software Foundation, and a co-founder of ZimboPy, a Zimbabwean non-profit that empowers women to pursue careers in technology. She also works as the hub manager for a local technology hub in Harare where she is based.

Marlene enjoys helping foster the growth of technology communities in Africa and is passionate about seeing the continents technology sector thrive. In her spare time, she reads, journals and occasionally can be found painting or running.

  • Leadership and Identity in the Pan-African Python movement
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Martijn Pieters

Software architect, Python mentor & Consultant with a long history in serious web applications, database-driven and content management. Martijn is the top contributor on Stack Overflow for Python questions, ranked #9 overall and I was elected ♦ Community Moderator in 2015.

He works as an independent consultant, and has built web applications used by millions, as well as specialised networked applications to gather and process large amounts of data.

  • Concurrent asyncio and sanity
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Martin O'Hanlon

Martin works in the learning team at Pi where he creates projects, learning resources and online courses. As a child he wanted to be either a computer scientist, astronaut or snowboard instructor.

  • **Young Coders** Gettin' GUI with it
  • Blue Dot - its a bluetooth dot
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Mary Chester-Kadwell

I'm a Senior Software Developer at Cambridge University Library and Cambridge Digital Humanities where I work on a lot of different code bases in a variety of languages, including my favourite, Python. My background is in archaeology but I shifted career about five years ago, partly by taking courses with the Open University and partly by learning the hard way, on the job!

  • Code walk this way
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Mashhood Rastgar

Mashhood leads the engineering team at He enjoys building awesome products and working with open source technologies. He is also an active developer community member, is currently serving as a Google Developer Expert. He is often seen speaking at conferences and mentoring different startups.

  • Rapid prototyping scalable Python services using AWS Chalice
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Michal Grochmal

Official mad scientist and open standards enthusiast. Still trying to get my PhD, and someday that will happen.

  • Demystifying Neural Networks
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Miguel Grinberg

Miguel Grinberg wrote his first line of code in 1983 and hasn't stopped coding since. He blogs at about a variety of topics including web development, Python, robotics, photography and the occasional movie review. Miguel is the author of the Flask Mega-Tutorial and the O'Reilly book "Flask Web Development". He calls Portland, Oregon home, but is currently on a "working vacation" in Ireland.

  • Asynchronous Web Development with Flask
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Mika Naylor

Mika is a haphazard collection of cells based in Berlin working with devops, distributed systems and IoT data. She is also a contributor to the Black python code formatter, the author of the Færeld time tracker and a fan of weird science fiction.

  • Code Styles Aren’t Black and White
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Miles Cook
  • Implementing a simple API using Django REST Framework
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Natalie Jakomis
  • Data Scientist Career Path: How to find your way through the data science maze
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Nick Acosta

Before becoming an AI Advocate at IBM, Nick studied computer science at Purdue University and the University of Southern California, and was a high performance computing consultant for Hewlett-Packard in Grenoble, France. He now specializes in machine learning and utilizes it to understand machine learning developers of various communities, startups, and enterprises in order to help them succeed on IBM's data science platform. He has a strong interest in data science education and open source software.

  • Choosing the right Deep Learning Framework: A Deep Learning Approach
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Nick Sarbicki

I'm a consultant Python developer helping teams to solve a variety of problems ranging from fighting fake news with ML to scaling sites for Google.

Contributor to Open Source.

Blogger at

Admin of the Python Slack workspace (

  • Mutability for good not evil
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Nikoleta Glynatsi
  • The Fallacy of Meritocracy
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Owen Campbell

Owen is a Chartered Engineer with 20 years' experience as a freelance consultant.

He's a founding trustee of the UK Python Association and a member of the 2019 PyCon UK organisation team.

  • Jobs Fair
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As a Digital Product enthusiast, I have worked in different roles in the Product Management domain with expertise in optimization of eCommerce conversion funnels. At present, I work as a Product Analyst with one of Europe's largest e-commerce based mobility solution, FlixBus.

Outside of office, it is the ever-so interesting intersection of humanities with technology that continues to inspire me. I like to focus on social media and its impact on shaping political landscapes.

Twitter: @Pi_modi

  • Stranger things in Twitterverse
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Patrick Barry
  • **Young Coders** Mutating Monsters
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Petr Stehlík

Python engineer at focusing on finance apps. Based in Brno, Czech Republic.

I am a developer who likes to break stuff and then put it back together which then works even better. I am always keen to share my knowledge and learn from others.

  • The dos and don'ts of task queues
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Qasim K

Professional Software Engineer for the past four years, and a hobbyist in love with Python for much longer. I first attended PyCon UK in 2016, gave my first big talk at PyCon UK 2018, and mentored at DjangoGirls in Manchester earlier this year. I write a blog, and I want to continue to find ways to contribute back to our community!

  • Automating Code Review As Much As Possible
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Rafael Garcia-Dias

Rafael is a Brazilian physicist currently working in neuroscience. Last year he finished his PhD in astrophysics, in Spain, where he applied K-means to find patterns in a sample of more than 250 thousand stars in our Galaxy. He moved to London to work in a neuroscience project that aims to use machine learning in 3D images of patient brains to diagnose conditions like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s disease and psychosis. Recently he has written a Chapter for the book Machine learning methods and applications to brain disorders.

  • How to use Python to expose politicians?
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Rana Taki
  • Using Pomelo to Enhance Algorithmic Thinking
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Rebecca Vickery

Rebecca is a data scientist at Holiday Extras. Her role has been instrumental in developing some of the first machine learning capabilities for the business and helping to move the business from descriptive reporting to predictive and prescriptive analytics. Previously she has spent over 10 years working in various data analyst roles within the travel industry. In addition, she writes regularly about data science and artificial intelligence on Medium and is passionate about forming links between schools and the tech industry by organising open days at Holiday Extras and delivering talks at local schools.

  • The Fastest Way to Learn Data Science
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Richard Izzo
  • Hangar; git for your data
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Richard Louden

Rich is an ex molecular biologist who since completing his PhD has worked within consulting and retail, recently joining the data and analytics division of private consultancy in Leeds. He has a strong interest in both machine learning and building production ready applications, with a background in coding in R and more recently python. Outside of coding his main interests are sports and craft ale!

  • Battles with reproducibility and collaboration in large organisations
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Richard Terry

Richard has been programming for 25 years, has been paid for it for 15, and has been using Python for 10. He is CTO at Wildfish, a London-based Python and Django consultancy, having previously been a freelancer, contractor and senior developer. Richard has worked on a wide range of projects, and enjoys solving challenging problems in interesting ways.

  • Syntactic sugar vs maintainability
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Robert Wiltshire
  • **Young Coders** Mission to Mars Rover Microbit Radio Control
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Samathy Barratt

Samathy is a security software pythonista and free-software hacker. She enjoys computer science from the
hardware to the software via the theory.

Samathy is excited to learn, eager to share and enthusiastic about Python and
the people who make the community.
She can normally be found consuming fancy pour-over coffee, immersed in a sci-fi universe or writing Python and D.

  • Regexplained - Understanding the theory of Regular Expressions
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Sandrine Pataut

From Paris import Sandrine as SP

SP is a French Mathematician turned Data Scientist. She is currently working in financial services and is active in the London tech scene as an open source community leader.

Tags: Machine Learning, Basketball, Cooking, Numpy, Badminton, Family, Pandas, Cat, Travelling, scikit-learn, Friends, Discovering, Data Science, Gardening, Python, Comics

  • Get to grips with pandas and scikit-learn
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I still think I'm a sysadmin, but people keep reminding me I'm not.

  • Board Games and Manual Technology Evening
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Sarah Townson

Technology Projects Officer at Science Oxford, running computing and making activities for children, young people and adults.

  • Hardware Hacking Workshop
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Sedat yalcin
  • Benefits of competition based libraries for beginners in Python
  • Using Pomelo to Enhance Algorithmic Thinking
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Shaun Taylor-Morgan

Shaun started programming in earnest by simulating burning fusion plasmas in the world's biggest laser system. He fell in love with Python as a data analysis tool, and has never looked back. Now he wants to turn everything into Python, which is why he works for Anvil.

  • Build a full-stack web app in Python with Anvil
  • Python in the browser
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Solveiga Vivian-Griffiths
  • Data Scientist Career Path: How to find your way through the data science maze
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Spencer Organ

Im a 44 year old educator from the West Midlands and have been teaching Science and KS3 Computer Science since 1997. In addition to teaching I consider myself a digital maker and content creator. I am a certified Raspberry Pi Educator, speaker and workshop facilitator.

  • Unleashing Python from the Computer Science Curriculum
  • **Young Coders** Will it rain in Cardiff this weekend?
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Sunaina Pai

Sunaina Pai is a senior big data software developer from Bangalore, India. She has 9 years of experience in developing software using big data technologies in organizations such as RSA Security and Intel Security. She develops solutions using Elasticsearch, Spark, Storm, and Kafka at work. In her free time, she enjoys working on her open source projects.

  • Mock Object Library: Common Pitfalls and Best Practices
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Susam Pal

Susam Pal is a security software architect. He has 14 years of experience in information security with focus on developing PKI-based solutions, network security products, and cloud security services. He works at Walmart Labs, Bangalore, India. He has worked at RSA Security earlier. He has a keen interest in mathematics and open source software. He develops software in Python, Go, C, and C++. He has been a contributor to Apache Nutch, Open Sourced Vulnerability Database (OSVDB), the Web Application Security Consortium (WASC), Slimv, etc. He is also the author of a few open source projects like TeXMe, Uncap,, etc. Currently, he is leading an open source cloud security monitoring project named Cloudmarker where one of his responsibilities is to develop and maintain a multiprocessing-based plugin framework.

  • A Tour of Matplotlib: From Bar Charts to XKCD-Style Plots
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Teri Forey

After spending many years studying and then working as a genetics researchers I recently left academia for a Research Software Engineering post at the University of Leicester. I'm a self-taught programmer with the now terrifying job title of 'python specialist'.

  • Research Software Engineers: Who, What, Why and a Django API
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Thomas Kluyver

Thomas is a data analysis software engineer at European XFEL, an international research facility near Hamburg. He uses Python extensively to slice and dice data, and in particular to build tools for other people to do the slicing and dicing. He also contributes to open-source projects around a variety of themes, ranging from scientific computing to Python 3 migration to packaging.

  • What does PEP 517 mean for packaging?
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Tobias Kohn

Tobias Kohn is currently studying Python as part of his research at the University of Cambridge. He has been working with Python ever since he started teaching programming at high school over ten years ago. His insights into the students' troubles with learning Python led to a PhD, several scientific publications, and a new programming environment with improved error messages. After finishing his PhD, he worked in a machine learning group at the University of Oxford, bevore joining the compilers and computer architecture group at Cambridge. He is a regular speaker on the subject of teaching Python at various workshops and conferences and co-author of a textbook on programming with Python.

  • Here's Your Mistake...
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Tobias Kunze

Tobias is a Python/Django developer with a heavy focus on Open Source projects, most notably pretalx. Django is his home community in the Open Source world, and he organized DjangoCon Europe last year.

  • while history: continue
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Tom Easterbrook

Tom is a recently graduated Computing student at Bournemouth University in South West England. Despite being born with Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy he has used his love and passion for technology to propel himself forward, grounded in a firm interest of current affairs and the world around him. Graduating is the end of Episode 1. If you would like to be part of the story in Episode 2, reach out.

  • Dev On Wheels: The Ultimate Computer Game
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Tom Viner
  • Code Dojo
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Vinayak Mehta

Data Engineer at Grofers. Open-source Human. Worked on Camelot and Excalibur: PDF Table Extraction for Humans.

  • Extracting tabular data from PDFs with Camelot & Excalibur
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Vince Knight

I am a mathematician at Cardiff University and an organiser of PyCon UK as well as Cardiff's Python Meetup: PyDiff. I am one of the core developers of the Axelrod library which is a research tool for studying emergent behaviour. I have spoken at a number of academic and software conferences. My dog is my best friend.

  • Training my dog with Python
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V Vishnu Anirudh

I am a Data Infrastructure Engineer at a self-driving startup called Oxbotica. I have been a Software/Data Engineer for 4-5 years. I have worked on various types of software roles using Python such as automated testing, data processing tools, algorithms and web applications. I have a dual-masters degree from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and University College London, UK. I like traveling to new places and meet new people. I am passionate about python projects and I love to talk about my experience and help other people to gain skills.

  • Managing Big Data in Machine Learning projects
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Wietse Braam

I have started IT at the age of 20, educated as a cobol programmer on Mainframe and HpNSK.
After 7 years of developing in cobol, C and C++ on this platform (and some windows) I changed course and moved to a different company, where I became responsible for coding and EDI engine in perl, as well as setting up a SOA/Bpm solution using java and SAP PI. I also touched my frist python code at this job,
3 Years later I moved back to ING, this time in the position of Infrastructure engineer, responsible for developing Websphere MQ, Tibco, and Managed file transfer solutions on lots of platforms (Mainframe, Hpnsk, Linux, Windows, Solaris, Aix, etc.

At this job I got the opportunity to become a chapterlead, which basically is a management function where you are HR responsible for a team of engineers (I mainly function as a coach for them) while also being the lead engineer in certain areas for the department.

In the meantime I also switched teams within ING and am now in a team that focusses on software development mainly developing microservices using Java Spring and python flask. That run on an openshift platform.

Next to work, IT has always been a hobby as well. And I have been working on lots of side projects (from helping a friends back-end coding in python to game development in C++ and Java).

Hobby wise. I play keyboards and write music for my progressive rock/metal band and a synthpop side project. And am also doing a lot of volunteer work for our local scouting group, where I am a board member and responsible for coaching the teams of scouts leaders, helping with difficult talks with kids, parents and within the teams.

  • Flask-restplus workshop for beginners
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Yaşar İdikut
  • Benefits of competition based libraries for beginners in Python
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Yeray Díaz Díaz

I’m a full stack software engineer based in London, UK. I work as a freelancer helping companies develop maintainable and scalable projects.

I code primarily in Python and Javascript and have experience in Ruby, Objective-C, or C#, but most of all I love clean code.

I’m a moderator and contributor on, co-organizer of the London Python Meetup and also like to write about code, usually articles that help people get started on certain technologies or practices that I’ve struggled with or am passionate about.

  • Import as an antipattern - Demystifying Dependency Injection in modern Python
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Yoel Kastro
  • Benefits of competition based libraries for beginners in Python
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Yoel Nasi

High School Student at Hisar School.

  • Using Pomelo to Enhance Algorithmic Thinking