PyCon UK 2023

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Alistair Lynn

Alistair is a software engineer who lives between Southampton and Amsterdam. Formerly of Thread, and of years of freelancing, he now works at Tiqets. His interests are software architecture, jazz fusion, linguistics, obscure transport policy, and writing in the third person.

  • Adventures in Unicode: the `str` less travelled
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Alon Nir

Data science lead at Spotify, dismal scientist in education, and a self-proclaimed GIF connoisseur.

  • 3 Lessons Data Scientists Can Learn from World War II
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Ann Barr
  • Welcome and Introductions
  • The Accidental Conference Director
  • Welcome and Introductions
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Atieno Ouma

Vivian Ouma is a backend developer at USAID HealthIT project where she is responsible for developing the business logic,data pipelines and machine learning models.She is a computer science graduate and holds a number of certifications in data science ,solutions architect and DevOPs. She is also passionate about open source contributions and mentorships and works with organizations such as technovation and safaricom’s Women In Tech to initiate more ladies into tech.

  • SIGN-TO-TEXT:Unleashing the Power of Google AI for real time ASL transcription
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Becky Smith

Software developer at the Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science, UKPA trustee, PyCon UK organiser, DjangoCon Europe 2023 co-chair.

  • Board games & manual technology evening
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Ben Nuttall

Ben is a senior software engineer at the BBC, building prototypes in BBC News Labs, part of the applied research area of BBC R&D. Ben loves Python, Linux and all things open source.

Previously, Ben worked at the Raspberry Pi Foundation where he developed the gpiozero and piwheels projects while looking after Raspberry Pis on the international space station.

  • Live highlights in BBC iPlayer
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Brett Beutell

I am a full stack web developer who enjoys working with early stage companies. I also really like photography and learning (human) languages. And waffles! I really like waffles.

  • Open-source, developer-friendly observability in only a few lines code
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Carlos Pereira Atencio

I am a Software Engineer at the Micro:bit Educational Foundation, where I get to help enable the next generation to create with technology.
I love working at the intersection between the physical and the digital world, and to explore the technologies that converge on this territory.

  • Stop the Treasure Thieves
  • Treasure Challenge
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Coen de Groot

(10-100 words)
Coen is a freelance Python developer and trainer. He has been passionate about computers and programming since the late ‘70s when he built his first ‘computer’.

After about 20 years in IT, Coen tried something different, trained as a business coach, hosted a large community of coaches and organised 5 conferences. But he quickly got pulled back into building websites and other IT services for coaches and others.

For the last 15 years Coen has been teaching and programming in Python, and playing a lot of boardgames, running crazy distances and learning French.

  • Interactive web pages with Django or Flask, without writing Javascript
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Connor Shearwood

Connor is a software developer and wargame designer living in Nottingham, England. They work for 345, building software for retailers to manage, plan and understand their stores. In their spare time, they make tabletop wargames and help run Break My Game, a tabletop game playtesting organisation.

  • Monte Carlo Simulations for Testing Tabletop Games
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Daniele Procida

I am a Director of Engineering at Canonical, where I lead documentation practice. I enjoy helping organise community conferences for Python and Django, and helping people and open-source projects improve their documentation.

I am the author of the Diátaxis documentation framework, and unless I commit a noteworthy crime I expect that is what I will be best known for.

  • What on earth is a code sprint?
  • The programmer's imagination
  • Practical tools for documentation at scale
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David Seddon
  • Domain Driven Design and Python
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Debayan Das

Debayan is the Interim Chief Data Officer at MiiCare, a Medtech company based out of London (with branches in the US, EU and India) specialising in AI-powered Virtual Wards and D2A processes for older adults across the globe. His work lies at the intersection of Clinical Data Science, Cloud Architecture Design & Implementation, Data Security and Applied Multidisciplinary Research focusing on Acoustic Machine Learning. He is responsible for the Data Infrastructure which empower older adults to live safely, happily and independently in the comfort of their own homes.

  • The Sound of Your Footsteps can Predict for Dementia
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Dom Weldon

Dom is a full stack cloud software engineer based in central London. He works as an independent contractor, currently in financial services, and was formerly a Principal at Decision Lab, a consultancy with expertise in simulation, optimisation, and machine learning. Dom’s primary expertise are in Python, AWS (and the Infrastructure as Code tool Terraform), Javascript, and graph and relational databases. Dom studied at the University of Cambridge and King’s College London, and alongside his work in tech holds a voluntary statutory appointment monitoring conditions for prisoners inside a challenging inner London jail.

  • Secure, Modern, and Simple Dependency Management with PDM and Friends
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Emily Holyoake

I’m a Derby-based playwright and theatre-maker. I’m interested in how technology affects human relationships, so my work tends to veer towards sci-fi, speculation, and internet culture. My plays often feature robots.

Recent projects include: BECCA, a hybrid onstage/online performance (2023); NEW LEAF, a virtual reality piece exploring climate anxiety (2022); and SNAKE OIL, an audio drama with integrated audio description which explores harm within the wellness industry (2021).

Likes include running, YA fiction, and Captain Kathryn Janeway of the USS Voyager. Dislikes include books that have a map at the beginning.

  • If you can’t give me poetry, can’t you give me poetical science?
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Emma Delescolle

Long-time pythonista, Django fan, electronics enthusiast, co-maintainer and co-author of DRF-Schema-Adapter and other OSS libraries

I am from Belgium and have been involved in open-source at different levels for about 20 years.

One of the things I enjoy the most is sharing knowledge with others. And this is why I enjoy writing tutorials as well as giving talks and workshops.

  • I plugged a Z80 into a Pi Pico, here's how it happened
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Gail Ollis

After two decades as a software developer, Gail eventually she became so obsessed with human aspects of the job that she began talking about them at tech conferences. She left the day job for a psychology degree, followed by PhD research in psychology of software development.
Sharing knowledge is the new day job in an accidental second career as an academic. Gail has taught programming and cyberpsychology, researched cyber security for software developers, and now has fun teaching problem solving and software engineering to final year students at the University of Portsmouth.

  • The internet of borrowed things
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Geraint Palmer

I am a Welsh Medium Lecturer at the School of Mathematics in Cardiff University. My research interests are in Operational Research, probabilistic modelling, and simulation.

  • Multi-Objective Linear Programming to find the Best Pokémon Team
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Gurjot Singh

Gurjot is a Quantitative Developer/ Researcher based in London. He currently works as Quantitative Strat in Deutsche Bank. Gurjot's primary expertise is in Python, Mathematical Modelling and C++ and he has over 8 years of experience in the field having previously worked for JPMorgan and start-ups.

Gurjot did his undergraduate degree from IIT Jodhpur and has been coding in Python since his college days.

When he is not working, he enjoys playing hockey and is passionate about cooking Indian food and teaching Mathematics.


  • Maths in Motion: Python-Powered Modelling for Real-World Phenomena
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Hynek Schlawack

Hynek Schlawack is a lead infrastructure and software engineer from Berlin / Germany, a PSF fellow, a maintainer of too many open source projects, and a contributor to even more.

His main areas of interest are networks, security, and robust software.

  • Subclassing, Composition, Python, and You
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Jacob Tomlinson

Jacob Tomlinson is a senior software engineer at NVIDIA. His work involves maintaining open source projects including RAPIDS and Dask. He also tinkers with Opsdroid in his spare time. He lives in Exeter, UK.

  • Scaling the PyData Ecosystem with Dask
  • When to rebuild things that already exist
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James Williams
  • The internet of borrowed things
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Josh Lowe

Josh is a Software Engineer at Anaconda and the creator of EduBlocks, a free drag-and-drop coding tool helping students globally make the switch from block-based programming to Python.

He is passionate about making technology and coding more accessible to kids and educators.

  • Create artwork with Python Turtle & EduBlocks
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Kane Swartz

Driven to technology that enhances well-being, driven by a passion to nurture my mind and others.

  • Well well. ML is not the answer to everything.
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Karen Jex

Karen was a database administrator for over 20 years and was once described as “quite personable for a DBA”, which she decided to take as a compliment. Karen is now a Senior Solutions Architect, helping customers to design and implement their (PostgreSQL) database systems. She's also desperately trying to learn enough Python to help her with her part time Computer Science PhD.
Outside of the world of databases, Karen loves cycling, mountain biking, skiing and spending time with her family in the mountains where she lives.

  • How to keep your database happy
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Kevlin Henney

Kevlin is an independent consultant, trainer, speaker and writer. His development interests are at the intersection of programming, practice and people. He is co-author of two volumes in the Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture series, editor of 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know and co-editor of 97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know. He lives in Bristol and online.

  • Technical Neglect
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Lisa Carpenter

Lisa is the Lead Data Science Instructor at London-based start-up Digital Futures, responsible for the design of their Data Science programme and delivery of a world-class learning experience. Lisa has over 10 years of experience in Data Science and Data Analytics roles. In 2018, Lisa discovered her passion for developing individuals in data and began developing and delivering data courses.

Lisa is passionate about empowering people through digital skills and is a firm believer that anyone can learn to use technology to enrich their processes and workflows.

  • Effective teaching of Python
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Mark Smith

Mark is a Developer Advocate for MongoDB, but the interesting things about him are that he makes an excellent Old Fashioned cocktail; he likes to design quasi-useful things for 3D-printing; he has a terrible mechanical keyboard habit; and he talks too much in the pub.

  • Sprints
  • The ⚡️ Talk Workshop
  • Lightning Talks
  • Lightning Talks
  • Lightning Talks
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Matthew Davies

UX/UI Developer at Bridgend College. Specialising in making everyone's life easier through code!

  • Using Python and Anvil in an FE College
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Max Kahan

I'm a Python Developer Advocate and Software Engineer at Vonage (ex-IBM). I'm interested in communications APIs, machine learning, open-source, developer experience and dancing! My training is in Physics, and now I use my problem-solving skills daily, working on open-source projects and finding ways to make developers’ lives better.

  • Fear the mutants. Love the mutants.
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Mia Bajić

I am a software engineer based in Prague, Czech Republic with over five years of experience in the IT industry. I currently work at Ataccama, a Canadian-Czech company, where I contribute to the development of a business intelligence tool that helps users create engaging data stories and explain complex data phenomena.

I'm a co-organizer of Pyvo - Prague Python meetups and PyCon CZ 2023.

When I'm not working or coding, I enjoy reading, watching movies, skating, playing the clarinet, and traveling.

  • The Standard Library Tour
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Mx Chiin-Rui Tan

Chiin (She/Her) is an award-winning Tech Entrepreneur with 15 years' experience practicing, innovating with, and championing Data Science disciplines in industry, government, education, and Open-Source ecosystems.

An Economics graduate from Cambridge, Chiin discovered programming later in her twenties, going on to become the Foreign Office's first Head of Data Science, building their first AI alongside Cyber & National Security capabilities. Today, Chiin's focus is her inclusive EdTech startup, Rho Zeta AI, especially her flagship outreach initiative, Sports Python, seed-funded by the EuroPython Society. Chiin previously co-founded R-Ladies Global through a Linux Foundation grant.

  • Turn Satellite Images into Digital Art with Python
  • Investigating Environmental issues with Python
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Myles Mitchell

Myles holds a PhD in Astrophysics and works as a Data Scientist at Jumping Rivers. With ten years of experience in Python programming, he enjoys applying his knowledge to a wide variety of projects ranging from public health to sport science. He is also deeply passionate about sharing his expertise with others, and has written and taught courses spanning data visualisation and machine learning with Python.

  • Data visualisation with Seaborn
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Owen Campbell

I'm a freelance software engineer, chair of the UK Python Association and a member of the PyCon UK Organisers' team.

I've been coding since 1981, freelancing since 2001 and a member of the Python community since 2015.

  • Welcome and UKPA AGM
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Parisa Gregg

Parisa is a data scientist and trainer at Jumping Rivers. She enjoys using Python to visualise and extract information from data. She loves sharing her knowledge and has experience delivering courses on a variety of topics, from data visualisation to machine learning. Her enthusiasm for Python and data science developed during her PhD in Particle Physics at Durham University.

  • Data visualisation with Seaborn
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Patrick Arminio

Patrick is a Developer Advocate at Apollo GraphQL. He created Strawberry, a python library that makes it easy to create GraphQL APIs using type hints

  • Optimizing GraphQL Performance: Tips and Techniques
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Paul Haesler

Paul majored in Physics at university and has been working as a software engineer since the mid 90s. For the last 7 years has been working on the Open Data Cube (ODC) – an open source Python library for managing and processing large archives of Earth-observation satellite imagery. He currently works for Geoscience Australia (the custodian of Australia’s EO archive) and is a member of the ODC Steering Council. In his spare time, he brews beer in his home brewery and writes and records his epic science-fiction rock-opera in his home studio.

  • Geodesy for Pythonistas (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Coordinate Reference Systems)
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Sarah Townson

I run coding/computing/technology/making workshops at Science Oxford, an education charity, working with young people, family groups, teachers & adults.

I'm definitely not a Python expert, but I love teaching it as it's an extremely accessible programming language!

Outside of work, my main obsessions are tea, fighting robots, and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

  • Stop the Treasure Thieves
  • Treasure Challenge
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Scott Morgan

I am Head of Digital Innovation & IT Services at Bridgend College. I lead the Digital Development, IT Services and Technology Enhanced Learning teams and am responsible for the coordination and delivery of the digital strategy across the curriculum.

I have a keen interest in finding new and creative ways of introducing programming concepts for young coders and the education of software development more broadly.

  • Young Coders Presentations
  • Physical Computing with a Raspberry Pi
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Sebastiaan Zeeff

Sebastiaan is a senior software engineer for the Ordina Pythoneers and a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. He is also one of the founders of Python Discord and an organiser of EuroPython. Sebastiaan frequently speaks at conferences all around the world, including PyCon US, EuroPython, PyCon APAC, and various regional PyCons.

  • The Magic of Self: How Python inserts self into methods
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Stefanie Molin

Stefanie Molin is a software engineer at Bloomberg in NYC, where she tackles tough problems in information security, particularly those revolving around data wrangling/visualization, building tools for gathering data, and knowledge sharing. She is also the author of Hands-On Data Analysis with Pandas, which is currently in its second edition and has been translated into Korean. She holds a bachelor’s degree in operations research from Columbia University, as well as a master’s degree in computer science, with a specialization in ML, from Georgia Tech.

  • Introduction to Data Analysis Using Pandas
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Thomas Gregory

Late-stage PhD student at Imperial. I specialise in designing and solving mathematical models efficiently. Feel free to ask me about how high-performance computing and open source code are being used in meteorology (weather/climate) and magnetohydrodynamics (plasma/fusion)! Passionate about bridging the gap between abstract math and practical coding.

Connect with me on LinkedIn!

  • Maths in Motion: Python-Powered Modelling for Real-World Phenomena
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After being a programmer for a good few years, I changed career in 2022 to become a Developer Educator at Aiven ( My favourite programming language is Python, my favourite markup language is reStructuredText, my favourite storage technologies are SQLite, PostgreSQL and Redis, and I'm rather enthusiastic about Apache Kafka as a messaging system.
Find out more about my past at

  • How I used PostgreSQL® to find pictures of me at a party
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Tomas Horacek

Tomas is a Python software developer at where he works on integrating partner APIs to automate tens of thousands of flight bookings every day. Tomas has prior experience working with Java and Typescript and also has a keen interest in Rust. Tomas is dedicated to writing secure and easy to maintain code. In his free time, he volunteers with the Scouts and enjoys spending his summers at Scout camps, where he can share his knowledge and expertise with younger members.

  • Vulnerability Management with CVSS